
Showing posts from December, 2023

Abortion and suicide: same result, different views

Abortion is an accepted form of killing  It is a philosophical oddity that the world accepts abortion but rejects suicide , even if both operations are intended to induce death. This hypocrisy is directly influenced by the doctrine of extrinsic value , in which the beholder assigns value based solely on what he or she sees from a particular subject. Mainstream civilization states that the preborn person has no value solely because the subject has not yet exited the birth canal. The same civilization also states that suicide is a great loss solely because the suicidal subject spent extended periods with the community or made several contributions. Acceptance of the supporters While the pro-life movement rejects both abortion and suicide, our methods of treating their supporters are very different. We readily give full voice to abortion supporters, which in turn allows them to reveal all of who they are. We have no problem listening to pro-abortion statements. As for this open mind on

Nice distraction, no improvements: why I don't celebrate

Why celebrate anything when nothing improves at all? I don't celebrate the December 25 and January 1 schemes—known under the monikers "Christmas" and "New Year" respectively. I can explain: I didn't enjoy the schemes because they are effectively just rhetorical devices to distract the public from issues. I saw no improvements after the schemes are implemented. As for my experiences, the December 25 and January 1 schemes bring me elevated responsibilities and no so-called "vacation." As of my social outcast status, I am bound to receive more adversity and be resentful of people whose circumatances favor their agendas to celebrate those schemes. I am one of the world's few people who actually suffer between December 25 and January 1. Sadly, nobody would listen to my suffering naturally because they are celebrating. Real suffering is not considered suffering. Setting aside my unfavorable experiences, the period between December 25 and January 1

Life-sanctity advocates or suicide oppositors should step up their tactics

Title: Assisted Death: The Euthanasia Controversy Publisher: ENDEVR Published: October 20, 2021 In Canada, as "medical assistance in dying" or "MAiD" is more prevalent than reasons to stay alive, many people consider ending their lives because resources that help them enjoy their lives are way beyond their reach. In parts of Europe, people can apply to die and state their reasons as "aging-related illnesses," "psychiatric disorders," or "dissatisfaction with life." Death with Dignity programs gained notoriety for targeting marginalized and vulnerable sectors. Death with dignity could force health workers to kill their patients, which directly contradicts the Hippocratic oath of "first, do no harm." In the United States, premier health societies oppose the idea of death with dignity by rejecting "assisted suicide." However, death with dignity has a place in society for as long as there is a myth that asserts that s

Chromebook and Chromeboxes have a huge potential in the Philippines

ChromeOS is Google Chrome in its most liberated version Chromeboxes and Chromebooks are personal computers that have operating system versions of Google Chrome preinstalled. The software package, called ChromeOS, is designed to be lightweight and web-centric. Being web-centric, the operating system relies primarily on Google servers for most essential activities. Chromeboxes are the desktop computers, while Chromebooks are the notebook computers. In the Philippines, as most people prefer Google Chrome for most browsing and Internet service is improving significantly, We can safely assure you that Chromeboxes and Chromebooks have a huge potential in our country. Considering the components embedded in the operating system, ChromeOS is sharply easier to use than Microsoft Windows because the former is essentially the browser in its most liberated version while the latter is designed for more serious computation. There is a distributor that sells Chromeboxes and Chromebooks in our count

Reputation's three layers

A reputation is tantamount to an astronomical entity: it has a surface/crust, a mantle, and a core A reputation is the averaging of people's thoughts and views about a particular object. Someone’s reputation is not his alone because different people define it. He's just the holder of the reputation. Reputations are comparable to climates. Reputations have three layers, making them also equivalent to astronomical entities. The surface reputation consists of people's thoughts that are completely visible to the reputation holder. The reputation holder can control this layer. Thoughts from the surface reputation reach the reputation holder directly. The mantle reputation consists of thoughts that are partly visible to the reputation holder. People other than the reputation holder can access the mantle reputation. The core reputation is the deepest reputation layer, as it defines the true colors of a

Life after schooling

Originally posted on June 10, 2017 at 9:00 PM The environment strongly influences how We live after schooling We want to plan our post-schooling future. People have different plans for their futures. We want to work, either as employees or freelancers. While living as workers, we may want to be married, single, childless, or parents. Employee or freelancer? Childless single or married parent? It's up to you. Employment status We finished our schooling. We want to find a job to slowly lessen our dependence on our parents. We can be employees or freelancers. When we are employees, we are lucky that we receive salaries after our employer pays our deductions. There is a working schedule that we have to follow. Because of the schedule, we should adjust our sleeping times. For us to celebrate Christmas properly, our employer may give us a 13th month pay. There is one more bonus thing: our employer may even plan vacations for us. Relaxing, right? For the employee, the home and the off

Most high school graduates don't need to go to college or university

Tertiary or higher education is best for dangerous and difficult affairs, such as engineering or medicine Legally speaking, attending a college or a university is not required. A high school graduate should be considered to have finished their schooling; however, academic tradition dictates that a college/university graduate qualifies as having finished their schooling. Employers' requirements should be biased against people who never attended any college or university. As a then-university student said, the issue is that most formal sector employers look at their applicants’ formal education. When a student graduates from high school, he/she should not immediately consider attending a college or university; instead, he/she should give himself/herself 1 year of vacation. Likewise, parents should not pressure them to choose a college or university even if they finished their schooling in the traditional s