
This is my lifestyle while i'm unemployed. Give me a decent career opportunity, and i'll switch to a healthier lifestyle. Whether i reach the stars or fall into the abyss, circumstances decide.

Right before sleeping or after waking up, i check my social media. I'm online whenever I'm awake. I rarely clean my house. Sometimes, I sleep in the living room with the TV turned on because i fear ghosts.

Right after waking up, i drink coffee. Sometimes, i delay my breakfast until about 12 PM. I prefer junk food over healthy food, purchasing them at least every 48 hours. I drink coffee 2 or 3 times daily, even in the evening.

I don't cook food for myself or others. I wait for other people to cook food for me. When there's no cooked food, i drink water or coffee to suppress my sensation of hunger. I can delay my breakfast until noon; I'm used to feeling hungry.

I brush my teeth every 24 or 48 hours. I change clothes every 3 or 4 days. I shave every 2 or 3 days. I take a bath once or twice a day; this is more on cooling than hygiene. I only perform household chores when needed or told.

I use up whatever money i receive mainly on food, drinks, and mobile phone subscriptions. I neither save nor invest because i despise the doctrine of material wealth accumulation.

I don't water any garden plants in my residence; i leave them as they are. Rain feeds the plants anyway. I would give dogs food when i'm the only one present still capable.

I don't take any medicine my myself, even if a session of common cold happens to me. I only take medicine when told.

When a power failure occurs, i unplug electronics and switch off lights to ensure fair condition. Restoration of electricity has a power surge, which damages electronic components. I wait at least 5 minutes before plugging them back in.

Most of the time, i grab whatever catches me; i have no concrete plans because there are no decent opportunities around me. Individual motivations are overridden by systemic issues.

I do this lifestyle because i'm a parasite, just another mouth to feed, neither employed nor in business.

September 4, 2023 announcement

I have dreams, but they're easily overridden by issues of systemic origin. I have plans, but they're snuffed out because opportunities are either lacking or blocked by the issues. Employment? I have no skills. Education? I can no longer keep up with academic demands.

As of the catch-22, i announce the following new lifestyle—

  • i will remain unemployed, and suggestions about going back to school will be rejected
  • no concrete plans are to be pursued anytime, regardless of importance
  • i may engage in immediate distractions and entertainment as a primary method of benefitting the economy
  • fatalism, nihilism, and pessimism are the primary doctrines for practical matters

This lifestyle will remain until environmental and systemic conditions become significantly more favorable.


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