One environment's "fiction" is another environment's "reality"

See also Materialism is metaphysical nationalism

Reality hosts an infinite
variety of essences. Our
local environment shapes
how we view "fantasy"
and "reality."

One person's fiction is another person's fact. To "imagine" is to infer foreign universes. "Fantasy" and "fiction" are rhetorical devices and magic words used to address people or things from foreign universes, with properties so alien to our packet of reality or universe. No "fiction" is ever pure because we "imagine" using what is in our universe. We may be actual in this universe, but certainly, we are another universe's "fictional characters." Fictional characters are simply people or living things in foreign universes. Loads of foreign universes are in the same place and time as our universe. We don't necessarily need the likes of hypersonic rockets or faster-than-light devices to access foreign universes. Erasing a "work of fiction" does not erase the foreign universe being presented in that work; it only erases the source that describes the universe.

Fiction, along with religion and superstition, constitutes metaphysical foreign affairs. Humanity has two main kinds of foreign affairs: practical and metaphysical. Practical foreign affairs denotes developments immediately outside the observer's community but within the same universe. Events between two countries are an example of practical foreign affairs. Metaphysical foreign affairs deals with developments and events outside the observer's universe. We are currently unable to readily communicate and interact with what happens outside our universe.

It is naïve and premature to declare things nonexistent just because our human senses have no way to detect traces of them. Considering "fictional characters" to be nonexistent just because mainstream belief labels them as "fictional" is ill-advised, considering the tremendous vastness of the cosmos. The likes of atheism and materialism convey one message only: we just should prioritize our local material world before exploring beyond. Proverbs such as "think globally, act locally" and "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" can be applied to wider contexts, including the social construct of fiction. "Being realistic" as per material views is not really about being realistic in itself; it is really about adaptation to our environments.

Justifying the real existence of so-called "fictional characters"

Human philosophy and science are rich in doctrines and theories that support the existence of what the human world calls "fictional characters." Attempts to refute or disprove those doctrines leave large remainders, which is an implication of how narrow those arguments are. It is safe to assume that reality is tremendously broad and human views of it vary sharply based on the background, context, and environments of the observers and subjects. We hold many entities to be "real" even if we never interact with them in person.

The multiverse doctrine states that the cosmos hosts an infinite variety of universes, along with different natural habits or laws. In other words, our universe is not the only universe that exists. Max Tegmark proposed four levels of universes: Level I comprises universes very similar to ours; Level II comprises universes that have natural habits or laws different from ours; Level III represents many-worlds interpretation; Level IV represents virtually everything else in the cosmos. It is noteworthy that a significant portion of so-called "fictional universes" fall under Level I or Level II.

Modal realism was authored by philosopher David Lewis. Lewis stated that actuality is indexical and that "actual" and "fictional" are indexing words, like "here" and "there." Modal realism states that possible worlds, including fictional worlds, are real worlds on their own, concrete just like ours. While the multiverse theory is neutral on whether we can access other universes, modal realism implies that we have no way to access the foreign universes hosting what we call "fictional characters" because our universe and their universes are separated.

Quotes from other websites

Fictional characters can be real in another dimension/reality – Reddit

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pvini07BR_ stated—

"All of us human beings, we have the capacity to imagine and create. We have the capacity of creating persons, with unique appearance, personality, name, etc. In this case, these are the fictional characters, that a fictionist (or the author of a work) created with their creativity and imagination. Not only characters, also fictional places, objects, and mechanics too. What am I getting at with this? Well, it's about our minds and their possible connections with our soul or spirit. Maybe our creative thoughts manifests in another place, in this case, another dimension or reality. It's our possible hidden spiritual powers. Also, what if God created us in the same way? Just by imagining and creating? And considering the fact that God stays in another reality or dimension distant from our reality. Because of all this, the fictional characters maybe are living their own lives, in another reality distant from us, with no one on Earth knowing that."
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ElegentAahBark stated—

"Not even with just manifestation theory, basic math essentially proves the fact. If there truly is an infinite and endless amount of universes in an all-encompassing multiverse, then every single combination of atoms and molecules would exist. Every single person, every single thought, every world, every story and every fictional character with any intention conceivable would tangibly exist as a real person made of matter somewhere within the multiverse. Perhaps the actual 1 to 1 manifestations living the same story of the ones we’ve created with our minds in this universe, along with an infinite amount of variations of said characters with the smallest differences. And that goes for anything we can think of, not just fictional characters. Crazy thing is if this is true then it works backwards as well. In some universe we are the brainchild of some author or poet in some other universe. We are a fictional character in someone’s story, a long, long way from here."
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Leading_Ad6846 stated—

Who are we to disbelieve and say what doesn't exist? Plus, we can't judge and say something doesn't exist just because we can't hear it or see it physically. How do you think they feel? Plus, I truly say that all universes and all fictional characters truly exist somewhere. Plus, just like us, do they have the right to exist? Of course, they do. Who are we ever justify to say they don't have the right to exist? I mean, they're allowed to exist. Plus, how would we feel if someone said we all don't all exist?"

Every work of fiction is true in another universe – TV Tropes Forum

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MsAmiClassified stated—

"Or more accurately, multiverse. For every work of fiction that is created, a complete multiverse exists where the events of the story are true. Every multiverse has one and only one universe each selected to appear as the main story of an original work of fiction in every other multiverse, and the only way to unearth all the literal Alternate Universes is through What If? stories. This would explain the complex network of Shout Outs that pervades modern fiction. Though, if you think about it, this also makes Trapped in TV Land, Refugee from TV Land, and Real-World Episode the same trope under different names. Crossovers share the same multiverse."
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NightChaos stated—

"Assuming this, our imagination must be some kind of power that lets us watch what's happening in other universes without actually being there. The TV Shows, books, games, etc. are the ways we subconsciously found to show other people what we see in these universes, since there's an infinity of universes and one cannot reach all of them alone, which also justifies why we human beings value works of fiction so much: It's our joint effort to see, compreend, and learn from all the infinite existance where we live in."
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Lunala stated—

"If there are infinite universes, there could be millions of universes where fictional characters are real. Like there could be a universe where Spongebob is the president or something weird like that. Well, I've been watching a lot of Rick and Morty so that might be where I'm getting all these crazy ideas from."
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WikiWanderer stated—

"Marvel already has the idea of the omniverse. Quote from the databook: 'The Omniverse is EVERY reality, including those published by all other companies. Even fan-fictions, cancelled works, mere fantasies, wishes of thoughts created by people, future comic book publishing companies and fictional universes yet to be published are considered part of the Omniverse; simply put, the Omniverse is every version of reality and existence imaginable.' Basically, if you can think of it, it’s in the omniverse somewhere. Someone also brought up near the start of this thread that there could be different 'levels' of reality, but fictional works from our world also reference each other as fictional all the time. Maybe works of fiction are like 'windows' into other realities. Maybe our real lives are being published as a book somewhere."

Random Facebook comments

As for the nature of social media, the identities of the authors are kept anonymous to respect their privacy.

Truthfully, I happen to theorize, that she happened to have been an incarnation of the Sun-Goddess, like how the 1st incarnation of Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was an incarnation of Hylia within the Multiverse, where Hyrule exists in addition to all other so-called "fictional" universes, “to infinity & beyond.” Also and hopefully this is alright to say in this group, I actually do support a few definitions of the term "equality"—

  1. I always will, always have, and do believe(d) probably in previous or future lifetimes or incarnations, as well, in addition to other worlds, universes, timelines, realms, realities, planes of existence, and dimensions, as well that pretty much all universes are equally as real as each other, including the so-called "purely-made-up" examples.
  2. I support both females and males, always have, always will, probably in previous lifetimes or different worlds, universes, timelines, realms, realities, planes-of-existence, and dimensions, as well as being able to be rulers or clergy in all spiritual traditions, religions, belief-systems, as well as females rescuing males.
  3. I will always, have always, or do believe probably in previous/future lifetimes or incarnations, as well, in addition to different worlds, universes, timelines, realms, realities, planes of existence, dimensions, etc. that it isn't just humanity who has the capability of being spiritual or religious, children of the divine, but all life forms including protists, plants, fungi, animals, etc.

Also, to quote from myself, (spelling slightly corrected from original). I'll just repost a couple of comments that I posted over @Theodore Harvey's Royal World Blog and Facebook—

I am personally a Unitarian Universalist Pan-Monarchist, of the Eclectic Pagan Variety, and I was raised as a Jewish boy, although I have a very diverse heritage, even having some Woodlands Native American heritage and despite having always had a very sympathetic outlook on Monarchy, I actually did vote for who I saw as the better option for President, but in my heart-of-hearts, I've always been an Eclectic Pagan Pan-Monarchist!

To quote an answer, that I wrote on Quora. To quote from an earlier answer of mine to a very similar question, somewhat edited, from the original version(s)—

"Yes, absolutey! I have always believed that, always have, always have, always will, definitely in previous lifetimes too, definitely in future incarnations as well, (despite seldomly, rarely, occasionally), saying or doing things contrary to what I have always or will always believe (primarily, mostly, mainly, when I’ve been having psychological problem(s), mix-up(s), misunderstanding(s)) and for the record, the basic concept of multiple worlds, universes, timelines, realms, realities, planes-of-existence, or dimensions is actually quite ancient, and the many-worlds-interpretation isn’t the only scientific or philosophical theory concerning that general concept: modal realism, multiverse, and other dimensions. Also, has anybody considered the, very-probable, possibility that we, ourselves might be living inside a virtual reality?! That would make Wedding Peach, The Tarot Cafe Manhwa, and various other Manhwa(s)/Manhua(s), Chinese comic book(s), Sailor Moon, in-general, The Legend of Zelda, The works of J.R.R. Tolkien, The Various Studio Ghibli Anime(s), AniManga(s), Star Wars, Pokemon, Harry Potter, FullMetal Alchemist, every bit as real as our own world, universe, timeline, realm, reality, plane-of-existence, dimension, etc., ad infinitum!"


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