Materialism is metaphysical nationalism

Materialism is a primitive sentiment that purports that reality is purely material and that so-called immaterial or spiritual things are derived from the material. The "distinction" between the "material" and the "immaterial" is simply the distinction between this universe and another universe. "Immaterial" means something from another universe. To say that the immaterial influences our lives is to say that elements from another universe influence ours, regardless of how many billions of light years distance. In local terms, this is called "quantum entanglement." The mantra of "think globally, act locally" can be applied to "spiritual" issues. When someone says that the universe we are in is materialistic, they mean that this universe is highly exclusive and provides little room for disturbances from other universes.

What we call the material world accounts for roughly 5% of this universe. Materialism teaches us to immediately dismiss the other 95% without ever attempting to look into its contents. Such an action is not scientifically guided skepticism, but an ideologically driven neglect of facets of reality that pose a challenge to materialism's grip on power. Reality always hosts developments and issues that materialism is unable to resolve, such as clinically dead people still being conscious or results in Scole, England in which traditional skeptical theories leave disappointingly enormous remainders.

Materialism is analogous to nationalism because both ideologies directly assert local solutions. Materialism and nationalism strongly insist on efficiently utilizing what is in the local environment before expanding into new contexts. In a negative tone, what is outside the local context is deemed as unresolvable. This is why materialists are bound to cry when people exit the material world; tantamount to a group of friends feeling a great sense of loss when one in their group starts working in a foreign country.

Materialism controls the purportedly "freethinking" Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the self-proclaimed "free encyclopedia," is clearly not free from materialist domination. The encyclopedia is extremely primitive in its discussions: it strictly adheres to the material worldview. Materialist administrators and dictators direct Wikipedia to describe immaterial events as fakes or hoaxes, surely discrediting and downplaying evidence that there is life beyond the material 5%. As for its extreme adherence to materialism, Wikipedia's scope is restricted to the material 5%. In metaphysical terms, Wikipedia is local, not global; an unreliable source for people seeking wider aspects of reality.

Communication with people outside the 5%

The 1990s Scole experiments were legitimate agendas to communicate and interact with people outside the material 5%. Initiating communication and interaction is best performed in an environment that is dark and radio-quiet; in other words, all radiation-emitting devices, such as computers and night-vision cameras, must be turned off completely. Any local radiation, be it lights or Wi-Fi, is powerful enough to jam all signals from the other 95%, rendering communication impossible. To avoid accidentally recording local voices, the experimenters sometimes removed the internal microphones of the voice recorders intended to record spirit voices.

The spirit voices appeared on the recorders even with the microphones removed. Speaking of visual results, writings and drawings appeared on completely unused camera films. Many of those renderings describe arts and technologies that nobody in Scole had the expertise to recreate. When cameras recorded the Scole room, nothing unusual happened. However, when the experimenters reviewed the renderings, they saw various results awaiting new sets of explanations, such as moving lights or representations of human faces. Last but not least, the Scole participants stated that disembodied hands could physically interact with them and that they could directly see the people from the other 95%.

Think globally, act locally

The proverbs "think globally, act locally" and "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" can be applied to metaphysical contexts. Reality is the globe and the material world is the locality. When you are in a strongly materialistic world, it is efficient to be material or "down-to-earth" in your everyday solutions, but always remember the immaterial. While we are in material bodies, we have to comply with so-called "bodily urges," including nutrition and sexuality. It's about respecting the rules and efficiently utilizing the offers of each world. People think that there is a globe, but act differently according to the cultures of the countries and localities that they inhabit.

Governance and political implications

Of all humanity's designated "governing bodies," only one kind has been consistently marked as universal in scope and absolute in authority. Such a governing body has the power to communicate and interact with everything, even objects, forces, and signals far outside its designated space; likewise, it has a responsibility to be open to all ideologies and belief systems. As governments are the only category of governing bodies with this privilege, they have a moral duty to be open to researching the paranormal. Being able to communicate and interact with forces outside the material 5% gives a particular political organization enormous potential power and diplomatic leverage; except that no outsider ever notices such an expansion because they are too busy satisfying material requirements.


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