Ideas and views

Academic affairs. I'm conservative concerning academic affairs. As such, I have low academic expectations. I expect people to finish secondary school or even just primary school. Having high academic expectations is counterproductive. College graduates can be more dangerous than people who didn't undergo any schooling, particularly if those graduates go wrong. Education doesn't always return good results.

Access and ownership. Access is more affordable and practical than ownership. Standard access may appear limited to some people, but the responsibilities that come with it are temporary. If we stop accessing something, a corresponding amount of responsibility may disappear. Ownership offers infinite access but also warrants an amount of permanent responsibility. If you feel you own too much, you can sell or give that property. We don't need to own very many resources just to live. We only need standard access.

Coming to land and buildings, we need significantly less amounts than we may dream of. Some people don't even own any realty and instead prefer paid access to small rooms. To offset the rental fees, the accessing people downsize their lifestyle.

Customers. The customer isn't always right. Nowadays, some customers abuse their rights or are impolite to employees. Businesses should be granted the right to punish abusive or impolite customers.

Life after death. There may be an afterlife. Reincarnation sounds more practical than resurrection, as resurrection implies the exact same body being brought back to life. Some people remember their past lives. Some atheists and scientists believe in the afterlife. For instance, one scientist theorized that death is transportation to another universe. It's pretty intriguing to know that someone committed suicide to see someone else in their next life.

Money. We can have up to 2 savings accounts from different banks and 1 checking account. Checking accounts makes frequent transactions more convenient. Once we enter the workforce, we may also automatically be covered by government financial programs for social security, health insurance, and housing. We can join private-sector programs for these topics, but we must keep in mind that they don't replace government counterparts. Money can be used beyond the profit doctrine: untold potentials include easier distribution of wealth, ensuring fairer access to resources, and increasing socioeconomic mobility.

I prefer cash over all other financial instruments because cash is stable, universal, and visible. Cash promotes honesty because it is visible and clearly displays its value: when a coin or bill displays ₱1,000, it is exactly ₱1,000. Cash becomes more versatile and valuable in a post-growth economy: there, most other financial instruments gradually become somewhat less valuable. As a post-growth economy imposes a maximum limitation on resource acquisition, it might indirectly contribute to slower printing of cash, which in turn slows down inflation or induces deflation, increasing the intrinsic value of cash.

True ambition. My true ambition is a life that promotes little ownership and is free from high expectations. They will stay as part of the wealthy. I'll "resign" from the wealthy. I choose to stay child-free and single, and I don't consider marrying or conceiving a child. Most of my goals are short-term.

Work. Most people are capable of being workers. They only need enough encouragement and the right motivation. While some people choose to be unemployed to take some breaks, many people are destined to be unemployed for most of their lives. Sometimes, we wait to notice the factors preventing those people from being workers.

Limitation-based retirement is more practical than age-based retirement because it only targets people who acquired irreversible limitations. Many senior citizens can still afford risky actions. We should stop dreaming of pensions, which points to age-based retirement. Psst! The concept of retirement had dark original purposes: to resolve poverty among senior citizens; and to give breaks to people shortly before their deaths. Nowadays, it's more practical to work until we die or acquire an irreversible limitation. We can take vacations to take breaks from work-related stress.

Economy. I firmly believe in the doctrines of post-growth economics and wealth circulation. The doctrines of economic growth and wealth accumulation are increasingly demonstrated to be against ecological limitations and the dictates of human nature. The human species evolved to share material wealth rather than keep accumulating it. It is an unwritten rule of nature that material wealth must circulate so that everyone has a chance to live. Post-growth economic paradigms prioritize wealth circulation and avoid the doctrine of economic growth altogether.

Governance and politics. States and governments are not the only political organizations in the world; governance and politics are broad topics and can be expanded beyond the expectations of the United Nations sector. We can invent exotic political organizations whose function and structure differ significantly from those of states and governments. We can also create new political universes without contradicting the dictates of the United Nations sector.


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