Peten and minchel

Not a replacement for states or governments

See also: Rapida Forkurintoits Facebook page

A little background of governance and politics

Governance is the way a community is directed or governed. Politics is the way members of a community reach collective decisions. Governance and politics can exist beyond the realm of states and governments. A governing body is a group of people designated to govern a community. Each community always has a governing body, as governance is a crucial part of human society.

The state is the most prominent kind of community humanity has today. It is also the primary community: almost everyone is a subject of at least one state. The state performs numerous crucial functions, such as but not limited to ensuring food safety, allocating/distributing resources equitably, giving universal education and healthcare. The state is the most heavily scrutinized kind of community, and numerous highly trained professionals are appointed to do just that. This is not a issue to fear, but a crucial principle to ensure the integrity of the state.

A government is the governing body of the state. It has three recognizable basic components: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative component formulates the rules of the state. To ensure fairness, people of opposing ideologies are chosen. The executive component implements the rules of the state and carries out the daily movements of the state. The judicial component decides who violated the rules of the state and performs dispute resolution. An untold principle dictates that formal participants of governments be complete strangers to ensure equity.

Why i invented the peten/minchel

I invented the concept of peten/minchel initially to prove that governance and politics are not limited to states and governments. I want a governance that recognizes limits and challengers to its authority. I want a governance that is more colorful, livelier, and can confidently be an inner circle (family and friends).

Micronations are similar to the peten, but there is one crucial difference: they are virtualized variants of the more well-known state (called in the micronations realm as macronations). Participating in state affairs could give feelings of superiority.

The peten concept is intended for any physical or virtual community, but it's not a replacement for the state.

Introducing the peten

peten or leafwire is a kind of community or political entity with gentle governing authority. Any community can set up as peten. Fandoms, inner circles (families and groups of friends), peer groups—just about any group can set up as a peten. A leafwirer is a member of a peten. A habit is a rule or a set of rules of a peten. A sandstone is a basic or supreme habit.

A popular peten has just the members, allowing faster movements and more preparation for sudden events. A territorial peten has territorial access, potentially offering more stability; it's most practical that they declare access to the territories of the members.

Governance: the minchel

minchel or minch for short is the governing body of a peten. It has 2 basic components: the manager and the planner. The manager component implements or suspends habits and programs. It carries out the daily movements of the peten. It may represent topics and fields of interest. The planner component initiates, alters, or cancels habits and programs. It may represent factions, areas, chapters, or sectors within the peten. Habits and programs must pass the planner component before the manager component executes them. The planner component reviews the actions of the manager component.

The manager and the planner can be one unit or two units. A minchelar actor is one who participates in a minchel. A yuspi is a basic unit of minchelar governance, while a haroft is a cluster of yuspis.

The frest is the headquarters of a minchel. It can be physical or virtual.

Minchels can rely primarily on assumptions, beliefs, feelings, opinions, and suspicions to make decisions. Concrete evidence and facts are available as an option. This allows faster but less accurate decisions.

By default, the potential wealth of the minchel depends on the total wealth of minchelar actors. Instituting a distinct minchelar wealth, which is similar to the governmental tax revenue, requires initiating a habit.

Minchels can implement their rules, but they should not formulate or deploy costly personnel, such as police or military.

Habit: rules of the peten

habit is a rule or a set of rules of a peten; a sandstone is a basic or supreme habit, the charter of a peten. By default, habits apply to members and nonmembers declaring themselves subject to the rules. Depending on the peten, habits can be inferred, oral, or written. The sandstone prescribes the peten's form of minch and fundamental principles. It also prescribes the overall effectivity of all other habits. Petens can use the habits of other petens. They can implement other petens' habits as if they are their own.

Unlike the rules controlled by governments, habits aren't always immediately effective. Regardless of how effective or stringent the habits may be, by default, they all stay in the minchelar realm and never spill over to the governmental and other political realms. Nonmembers can declare themselves subject to the habits.

Overshooting is the act of contradicting habits. An overshoot is an instance of such an action. Overshooters should prove that their action is beneficial. Shortfalling is the act or condition of escaping or being exempt from certain habits. A shortfall is an instance of such an exemption. Shortfallers should stay away from people complying with the habits they wish to escape.

Let's have an effectivity scale as a guide.

  • Alpha habits apply immediately to all of a peten. Nonmembers have to know these habits while considering joining the leafwires. There are no exemptions to alpha habits. Effectivity-wise, alpha habits are very close to governmental rules.
  • Beta habits apply to some or all portions of a peten. To seek exemption, the members subject to beta habits have to tell the minchel that they request the exemption. The minchel may approve or veto the exemption request.
  • Gamma habits apply to some or all portions of a peten. Gamma subjects can declare theselves not subject to those habits. The declaration doesn't require approval from the minchel, although notice by the minchel keeps track.
  • Delta habits aren't immediately effective. One has to declare oneself subject to those habits before complying. The declaration of subjection doesn't require approval from the minchel, although notice by the minchel keeps track.
  • Epsilon habits aren't immediately effective. One has to declare oneself subject to those habits before complying. The declaration of subjection requires approval from the minchel. Epsilon habits are the gentlest habits.

Minchels should use the alpha and beta statuses sparingly. They are for habits in which compliance produces more benefits. Most habits should be assigned gamma, delta, or epsilon statuses.

Power distribution and source

This is a guide, and minchels don't have to strictly follow it. Minchels can be in between these power distribution and source qualities, and don't have to strictly be in either quality. For instance, a fenpezin can still have the features of a sapmelis; a tesobol can still have the features of a mefist.

Horizontal distribution (kesofal and sepalar). A yuspi is a basic unit of minchelar governance. A haroft is a cluster of yuspis. In a kesof, one (base) yuspi acts as the supreme minchelar component, carrying both manager and planner functions. In a sepal, the manager and the planner each have their own harofts; thus 2 base harofts, at least 2 base yuspis.

Vertical distribution (mefistal and tesobolar). The faction is the local version of the minchel. In a mefist, the petenal minchel controls the whole minchel, and factional minches are its agents. In a tesobol, power is explicitly divided between the petenal and the factional minchels. Depending on the tesobolar sandstone, the tesobolar and the factional levels may be independent of each other. Factional habits, including their sandstones, may contradict or override petenal habits, for as long as the tesobolar sandstone permits. 

Diagonal distribution (lesoral and drenelar). In a lesor, there is only one (primary) minchel, which handles all topics and sectors. In a drenel, there is such thing as a secondary minchel: it is structurally a copy of the more prevalent primary minchel, but it covers more specific sectors and topics.

Power source. In a fenpezin, a minority or a particular group holds power over the peten. The fenpez is its head-of-peten. In a sapmelis, a majority holds power over a peten. The sapmel is its head-of-peten. In a sapmelis, the authority of the minchel comes from the members of the peten. The minchel actively consults the members on various topics and issues before or while formulating habits and plans. A sapmelis also performs kortuts, minchelar elections.

Beyond the peten

hostor is a yuspi for representing a peten in another community. An interminchelar organization (IMO) fosters cooperation between member leafwirers; it can be placed inside or outside a peten. Territorial petens can declare access to territories under the access of other such leafwires, creating a dancing. A special IMO, the dancer, ensures that such a situation produces more benefits than disadvantages.

minchelar portal (MP) serves as a gateway between the governmental realm and the minchelar realm. Any existing organization can be designated as a portal for as long as it is familiar with the minchelar realm; preferably it is registered under governmental authority. With MPs, petens and IMOs can be truly themselves.

Introversion and extraversion

Introversion is where a peten or interminchelar organization (IMO) intends to be more minchelar in character. It is like a cat intending to be more feline. Introversion is safer under the coverage of a minchelar portal (MP).

Extraversion is the state of having no minchelar portal or the intention to be more conspicuous to the governmental public. Extravert petens and IMOs interact directly with the governmental public, but they may be pressured to act more governmental.

Sandboxing principle

Petens should observe a sandboxing principle. They can implement their habits but they should not deploy or formulate costly units like border guard, military, or police. They can scare away aspiring members. While formulating their habits, the use of penalty should be minimized or avoided. To encourage more aspiring leafwirers, the habits themselves should be gentle on the personal freedoms of the members. The effects of minchelar governance should stay in the minchelar realm. In other words, sandboxing is the process of drafting political safety frameworks so that a peten can unleash its colors without infringing on political entities of other universes.

The concept of minchelar sandboxing comes from the concept of sandboxing in computing, where an operating system gives certain applications an isolated environment so that the applications an express themselves without infringing on the operations of other applications and the computer system.

Remember: petens and minchels aren't replacements for states and governments.


The names of the peten, the minchel, and components of the minchel don't have to be related to what's really in there. The names can be fuzzy and distant from the purpose. Assigning a name based on popularly appealing offerings may give more motivation, and again, that name can be unrelated to the purpose. For instance, a component handling external affairs may be named as "Blazing Drake," after the American Thai actor Sattabut "Drake" Laedeke. A planner component may be named as "Resilient Flower," although flowers are delicate and don't formulate sets of rules.

More on fantasy

Minchels can formulate decisions, habits, or policies that are more on fantasy or distant from reality. The sandboxing principle minimizes the effects of such policies, thus keeping the members safe.

Zeykoth: minchelar election

A zeykoth is any minchelar election: it is a process where members of the peten appoint actors to head, depending on the peten, yuspis, harofts, factions, other parts of the minchel, or the entire minchel. A zeysef is a minchelar elector: someone who participates in a zeykoth. A zeyhid is a minchelar electorate: a group of people who appoints a particular minchelar actor. A zeydag is a minchelar electoral candidate: one whose position he or she applies for is subject to a zeykoth. A zeysil is a minchelar position subject to a kortut.

A zeyhid can be general or specific. A general zeyhid appoints minchelar positions equivalent to the governmental presidents or legislators. A specific zeyhid appoints more particular minchelar positions, such as a head of some business administration component or a head of some health component. One peten can have multiple zeyhids.

In minchelar politics, zeykoth campaigning styles don't have to be strictly endorsing candidates, ideologies, and platforms. It can be any method that increases the likelihood of winning zeykoths. For example, a zeyhid that prefers aesthetics might challenge zeydags to be as aesthetically appealing as possible. Voting of zeydags doesn't have to be strictly shading ovals or writing their names. It can be any method that gives voting points. For example, a zeyhid that is about gaming might instruct its zeysefs to give elaborate gaming equipment near the name of its zeydags; higher performance means more voting points. Zeydags that have the highest voting scores are the winners and may enjoy their newly acquired minchelar positions.

Risqué peten

A risqué peten is a peten intended specifically to handle interests that have low social value, such as gambling or sexual promiscuity. For the decency of its operations, it is under the jurisdiction of a more mainstream peten; however, a risqué peten can establish relations or partnerships with other risqué petens. From the word risqué, one who aspires to join such a peten has to, aside from having membership to a mainstream peten, comply with their state's definition of "adulthood." The mainstream peten may restrict who can join a risqué peten.


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