Life after schooling

Originally posted on June 10, 2017 at 9:00 PM

The environment strongly
influences how We live after

We want to plan our post-schooling future. People have different plans for their futures. We want to work, either as employees or freelancers. While living as workers, we may want to be married, single, childless, or parents. Employee or freelancer? Childless single or married parent? It's up to you.

Employment status

We finished our schooling. We want to find a job to slowly lessen our dependence on our parents. We can be employees or freelancers. When we are employees, we are lucky that we receive salaries after our employer pays our deductions. There is a working schedule that we have to follow. Because of the schedule, we should adjust our sleeping times. For us to celebrate Christmas properly, our employer may give us a 13th month pay. There is one more bonus thing: our employer may even plan vacations for us. Relaxing, right? For the employee, the home and the office remain different. The disadvantage is that we have less working freedom. When we are freelancers, we don’t need to fear any bosses since we are the bosses on our own. We are on our own to plan the schedule. For the freelancer, the home and the business may become one. We can choose to work freelance if we notice that no company ever employs us after so many application attempts. Psst, if undecided, we can stay as tambays (loiterers). A tambay (loiterer) is unemployed and is neither a student nor a retiree.

Relationship status

One extreme has the childless singles, while another extreme has the married parents. If a person is a childless single, he is completely free to go. He can go without worrying about the family. The question is: who will take care of him? If a person is a married parent, there is a spouse that can make him feel less lonely. To make the marriage even more social, he is happy that his child(ren) will take care of him when he ages and retires. We may choose to remain single if we don’t want to face the disadvantages and limitations of having a spouse. We may choose to be married if we want an interpersonal relationship to be more secure. We may choose to remain childless if we know for sure that we are incapable of raising children or we just want to reduce our country’s population. We may choose to be parents if we want to continue our generations and finally be ancestors. As parents, we must be careful with what we’re doing to our children.

Bonus: financial philosophy of Gormevata

Our financial philosophy may change once we become workers. Gormevata wanted to apply this as part of his philosophy of life. In the first year of work, he may spend his income on high-priority expenses such as food & drinks. In the second year of work, he may spend his income on lower-priority expenses such as gadgets. In the third year of work, he shall gradually end his financial dependence on his parents. While spending their income, the lower-income earners and the self-employed shall be given higher priorities. This is to give them a chance. Of the income he receives, 30% will be saved, while 70% will be spent. The savings will not be used until the second year of work. Savings are there for rarer or more gradual expenses.


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