Oppa and makae in nonstandard politics

The oppa is a governing body or political organization that benefits, guides, serves, or directs another body or organization from a completely different political universe, the maknae. The sovereign state is the primary oppa meaning that it supervises, provides a platform, or exerts authority over all other political entities of other universes, and no such other polity is expected to look after it. Many political entities other than the sovereign state may serve as oppa, depending on the surrounding conditions and demands. Conversely, many political entities may become mankae; reasons may include protection of existence, the need to learn more about the basics of leadership, or that the entity concerned is not designed to act by itself. Since the 1900s, the United States of America has been humanity's apex oppa, the sole superpower in the governmental universe since December 1991. As the apex oppa, no other political organization is expected to solidly challenge or contain its methods and related outcomes.

India and Auroville

Auroville is a utopian
community in India

Auroville–India relations are a well-known example of oppamaknae relations, with Auroville being the mankae and the Republic of India being the oppa. The relations between Auroville and India are often complex. Auroville strives for self-sufficiency; however, its own economic situation directly challenges this ideal. As such, Auroville has to acquire many essential items from the wider Indian state. In the 1980s, the Republic of India provided Auroville a political system for Aurovillians with the purpose of ensuring that the maknae can achieve its long-term goals. The legislative document prescribing Auroville's second and current governing body is called Auroville Foundation Act, 1988; meanwhile, of the Indian government takeover, the legislative document is called the Auroville Emergency Provisions Act, 1980. This action came because when one of the co-founders of Auroville died, anarchy broke out in Auroville, as there was severe disagreement between Aurovillians and their previous governing body. This development is a rare kind in human political history, as it demonstrates how an entity from one political universe can manage to change the governing body of another entity from a different political universe. Here are some of the many reasons for the oppa's intervention in the maknae, courtesy of the Auroville Emergency Provisions Act, 1980—

"Complaints were received with regard to misuse of funds by Sri Aurobindo Society and a Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Lt. Governor of Pondicherry with representatives of the Government of Tamil Nadu and of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Central Government, to enquire into the same. After a detailed scrutiny of the accounts of Sri Aurobindo Society, as also a report of the Audit team, the Committee found instances of serious irregularities in the management of the said society, misutilisation of its funds and their diversion to other purposes."
"As serious difficulties had arisen with regard to the management of Auroville and as any delay in taking necessary remedial action would have been highly detrimental to the interests and objectives of Auroville the President promulgated on the 10th Nov., 1950 the Auroville (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1980. The Ordinance provided for the vesting, for a limited period of the management of Auroville in the Central Government and made the necessary ancillary and incidental provisions."

Macronation, micronation, and nanonation

The macronation is the good old sovereign state, the primary oppa. The micronation, an entity resembling an sovereign state, is a maknae of the macronation. However, it turns out that the micronation is also an oppa, as there is another maknae inside it: the nanonation. The macronation, micronation, and nanonation have very similar powers and responsibilities, but only the macronation is considered as the final authority. The world's most famous micronations are the Republic of Molossia and the Principality of Sealand. Molossia is in Nevada, United States. Sealand is located on an abandoned British navy platform close to the shores of Great Britain.


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