Civilian-oriented is pro-humanity

We spent 94% of our 200,000-
year history without thinking
about killing our fellow

Human history suggests that civilian authority is sovereign, while military authority is subordinate. Modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago, and we spent most of our time as pure civilians: we thrived in peacetime without the concept of war. Meanwhile, military (sub)culture only began 12,000 years ago. Civilian culture develops various resources for a vast variety of agendas; makes decisions for diverse groups; and ensures lively progress across potentially divergent interests and sectors; all without depending on any aspect of the military subculture.

It is a fact that the military subculture ultimately depends on civilian culture for crucial resources. All soldiers start as civilians and will return as civilians. The military must rely on civilian authority for guidance and morality. As civilian authority is inherently supreme to military authority, civilians have the right to speak about what's happening across the world's military forces. Everyone in the military has a civilian side, and we should allow military participants to express their civilian colors. Nobody is ever born to be in the military, and there is no evidence of so-called "natural warriors."

It's a good idea to abolish the likes of militarism, mandatory military service, and the "fighter/warrior mindset," and instead introduce more civilian and peaceful doctrines, institutions, mindsets, and systems. The warrior paradigm is the work of barbarians: it lacks empathy, and its adherents are callous creatures. Meanwhile, the civilian-oriented paradigm encourages empathy and respect for human limitations.


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