Weight loss requires government intervention

The weight loss regime has
3 main components that
require consistent
intervention from
governments: physical
movement, food system,
and sleep

Weight loss requires strong political action. It is impossible to lose weight by yourself because when you try to eat less, your body fights back by making you hungrier. When you exercise, your body ultimately forces you to eat more to compensate for the energy deficit. Most of the time, you end up with the same weight, sometimes even gaining it. In other words, the workout regime promotes weight gain because it is intended to increase muscle mass.

Aside from physiological responses to the weight loss regime, food giants are intentionally making their consumers obese in the name of profit. They insert dense amounts of appetizers so that billions of people worldwide buy their products quickly. To entice young people to eat more, they place symbols of animals on their packaging or advertise at strategic times when children watch television.

Factoring in the fact that obesogenic food has also been a coping mechanism to the increasing stress of the modern world, the obesity epidemic is a reflection of how cruel our profit-based capitalist system has become: prioritizing profits no matter the people's suffering. It's not realistic to compel everyone to cook their own organic food in the name of a "weight loss diet." Not everyone can be trusted to engage in cooking because the operation itself is life-threatening: risks of fire and burns.

In this age of fast food and processed food, the most realistic option may be to impose tight regulations on processed food products. Governments can set up organic farms to cultivate nutritious food and start kitchens that cook organic food and distribute it for free. Governments can also pass legislation to require all food giants to make genuinely nutritious food and drink products, and impose sin taxes and warning labels on unhealthy products.

The weight loss regime requires 3 main factors that in turn require strong government action: physical movement, diet system, and sleep. Speaking of physical movement, governments should require architectures (building designs and structures) that encourage people to go outdoors and get active. In the case of the diet system, as mentioned earlier, governments should impose stringent regulations on processed food and endorse organic food en masse.

Last but not least is sleep: it is actually the largest single consumer of energy. An appropriate and consistent sleeping schedule consumes relatively large amounts of energy. I would like to remind you that most energy consumption happens at rest, called resting metabolism. To encourage proper sleep, governments should mandate broadcasting and Internet-based services to slow down their activity at night, such as turning their entire web pages greyscale or displaying no entertainment programs from evening to late night. Greyscale makes content boring and is relaxing to the human eye, improving the chances of going to sleep.


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