Humans are not meant to be warriors

Humans are naturally repelled
by images of violence, let
alone depictions of organized
violence (a.k.a. "war")

The human species (Homo sapiens) is not designed to satisfy the "fighter" or "warrior" delusion, and we can tell by their anatomy and psychology. Humans are naturally defenseless, and they have no component that is adapted to conflict. If humans are indeed "natural warriors," then all babies would enlist in military forces immediately after birth; however, the reality is that military culture or any element of it only gives people more pain and harm in the long term. Human history began 200,000 years ago, while military culture only began around 10,000 years ago; in short, civilian culture began sharply earlier than military culture.

Humanity spent 95% of its history under a purely civilian paradigm. Humans thrive under peaceful conditions. War-like situations between chimpanzees are intentionally incited by humans. Exposing humans to any segment of military culture exacerbates psychiatric disorders. Militarized or warrior attitudes, which include easy irritability even by minor issues, are associated with severe poverty. There are no "warrior families" or "warrior societies" in the natural world. Even apex predators such as bears or tigers have no "warrior" instincts whatsoever. Attempting to entertain the concept of "fighter" or "warrior" requires tremendous and precisely coordinated conditioning, something nonhuman animals cannot afford.

Support for military conscription is barbarism at work

Supporters of military conscription are immersed in their delusions that people are "natural warriors." They speak as if there is no alternative to military service. Countries that impose the draft tend to have unhealthier citizens: in South Korea, military conscription exacerbates drinking and smoking. Conscriptionists even justify military-related psychiatric disorders, babbling pretentious and weak monikers such as "sacrifice for the nation" or "to prove love for the country." Most conscriptionists have no idea that humans are not meant for war. Conscription facilitates war and is associated with slavery. In countries that have conscription, people only join the armed forces to entertain the draft system.

Society should be very conservative on military recruitment. This means keeping military service voluntary at all times. Military culture has rigid requirements; disqualifications for joining the military are too many and fluctuate too wildly for official exemption lists.



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