Jemuel of Dawn Ezra: Rise of a Reluctant Leader in New Jeremiah

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Main story

Chapter I – Hello, Jemuel

In the vast expanse of space, 10,000 light-years away from the Solar System, lay a captivating city planet known by visitors as New Jeremiah. It revolved gracefully around a brilliant white dwarf, its native name lost to time. This enigmatic planet was shrouded in mystery, as its peculiar characteristics set it apart from any other known celestial body.

New Jeremiah was a place of stark contrasts. Its surface was as cold as an air-conditioned bedroom, with temperatures hovering around 10 degrees Celsius. This was due to a thick ozone layer that extended several kilometers into its upper atmosphere, shielding the planet from the harshness of the cosmos. However, despite the frigid environment, the planet's proximity to the white dwarf made its dawns blaze with a brightness comparable to Earth's noon. This unique combination had a profound effect on its inhabitants.

The people of New Jeremiah thrived in their extraordinary surroundings. The colder climate and intensely illuminated days invigorated them, fostering physical activity and reducing the prevalence of depression. Nearly everyone on the planet possessed a level of fitness that rivaled those who frequented gyms, and their beauty and allure were reminiscent of movie actors. Visitors marveled at this urban-oriented human species and their extraordinary lifestyle.

What truly fascinated outsiders about New Jeremiah was its unconventional system of governance—or lack thereof. The city planet had no formal government; instead, its residents formed their own governing bodies. These entities possessed immense power and influence, capable of rivaling even the mightiest nations on Earth. However, they were as fragile as spoiled brats, vulnerable to even the slightest conflicts or trivial disputes that could paralyze their decision-making processes.

Among the native organizations that emerged on New Jeremiah, one gained particular attention—Dawn Ezra. Eyewitness accounts painted a picture of an entity that rose to prominence, shone brightly for a while, and then crumbled into insignificance. At its helm stood Jemuel, a figure known for his hedonistic tendencies. Jemuel was said to engage in casual relationships to garner favors, relying on these connections to maintain his power. He openly encouraged his servants and subjects to flirt with him, mirroring the methods employed by other politicians on the city planet.

During its zenith, Dawn Ezra surpassed even the United States in terms of resource access and economic might. It possessed enough power to bring the entire U.S. government and its 50 state governments to their knees. However, Dawn Ezra's reign as a superpower on New Jeremiah was fleeting, lasting a mere ten Earth-years. Curiously, Jemuel harbored a peculiar fear—an apprehension greater than that toward the United States. Visitors' anecdotes suggested that Jemuel dreaded the Philippines, specifically Sinda. Some Earth-dwelling Filipinos recognized similarities between Jemuel and someone they personally knew.

One fateful night, the visitors received an article written in an unknown language. After enlisting the help of a fluent translator, they uncovered its cryptic message. The article revealed that the most feared object within the vicinity of Jemuel's personal residence was a cloth adorned with a red band, a blue band, and a white triangle. In the center of the triangle lay an eight-rayed star, encircled by three five-pointed stars. By sheer accident, a tourist had dropped this cloth, and upon witnessing it, Jemuel recoiled in terror. The residents of New Jeremiah believed that Jemuel had fled to unknown locations, desperate to elude capture, associating the forbidden cloth with dread and pain. Furthermore, the mere mention of "Sinda" caused Jemuel to faint from fear.

With Jemuel's retreat, Dawn Ezra plummeted into a state of collapse. It became weaker than the feeblest barangay—a small administrative division in the Philippines—its power diminishing to that of someone tidying their own bedroom. Numerous factors contributed to Dawn Ezra's downfall, including threats of exposure to governments, damage inflicted upon their computer systems, and social media outages. However, the most significant catalyst was the emotional insecurity that plagued its members, fueling personal conflicts and rendering their native governing bodies powerless.

Thus, New Jeremiah, with its mesmerizing blend of climate, lighting, and extraordinary governance, remained a captivating enigma in the cosmos. The rise and fall of Dawn Ezra, along with Jemuel's fear of Sinda, served as cautionary tales—a testament to the fragility of power and the destructive potential of emotional insecurities. As the visitors departed the city planet, they carried with them a deeper understanding of human nature, no matter how distant the stars.

Chapter II – Political Crisis by Personal Issues

In the sprawling metropolis of New Jeremiah, where the residents governed themselves through various entities, personal conflicts lurked beneath the surface, ready to unravel the delicate balance of power. The city planet's absence of a centralized government made it susceptible to the whims and emotions of its inhabitants. While they possessed remarkable abilities to coordinate and influence, they were also subject to the vulnerabilities of human nature.

One such instance of personal conflict unfolded within the esteemed governing body known as the Council of Elders. Comprising influential individuals from different sectors of society, the Council held significant sway over the affairs of New Jeremiah. However, the Council was not immune to the egos and ambitions that often drove human interactions.

At the heart of the conflict was a power struggle between two prominent Council members, Cassandra and Marcus. Cassandra, a charismatic figure known for her persuasive oratory skills, had a vision for New Jeremiah that centered on sustainable development and societal harmony. Marcus, on the other hand, was a shrewd and cunning strategist, driven by a desire for personal gain and dominance within the Council.

Their differences in ideology and approach ignited a fierce battle for control. Cassandra advocated for consensus-building, engaging in thoughtful debates and encouraging compromise. She believed that the strength of New Jeremiah lay in unity and cooperation, valuing the well-being of the city planet's inhabitants above all else. Marcus, however, viewed power as a means to an end, willing to manipulate and exploit others to further his own interests.

As their rivalry escalated, personal animosities seeped into the Council's decision-making processes. Political debates turned into heated arguments, with each side employing manipulation and cunning tactics to gain an advantage. The Council, once a beacon of collaborative governance, became paralyzed by infighting and personal vendettas.

Unable to reach a consensus on crucial matters, the Council of Elders faltered in its responsibilities. Public trust waned as the people of New Jeremiah witnessed their governing body's inability to function effectively. The city planet, once known for its harmonious and vibrant society, found itself in a state of disarray.

Outside observers and political scientists marveled at the paradoxical nature of New Jeremiah's governance. The native governing bodies possessed immense potential, capable of outshining conventional governments on Earth. Yet, they proved to be fragile entities, easily derailed by personal conflicts and emotional insecurities.

The repercussions of the Council's internal strife reverberated throughout New Jeremiah. Development projects were delayed, social programs stagnated, and the city planet's progress ground to a halt. The people, once inspired by the promises of self-governance, grew disillusioned and frustrated. The utopia they had envisioned faded away, replaced by a sense of disillusionment and uncertainty.

Eventually, a wave of introspection swept over New Jeremiah. Recognizing the destructive force of personal conflicts, the residents embarked on a collective journey of self-improvement. They established mechanisms to address conflicts constructively, fostering a culture of open dialogue, empathy, and compromise. The lessons learned from the Council's downfall served as a catalyst for change, instilling a newfound commitment to unity and collaboration.

Over time, the native governing bodies of New Jeremiah emerged from the shadow of their own insecurities, gradually rebuilding trust and effectiveness. They realized that personal conflicts, if left unchecked, could paralyze their ability to govern and jeopardize the future of their city planet.

As New Jeremiah moved forward, it did so with the understanding that personal growth and emotional maturity were essential components of successful self-governance. Through this transformative process, the residents of the city planet learned that true power lay not in dominance or manipulation but in the ability to rise above personal conflicts and work together for the betterment of their shared home.

Chapter III – Farewell of Dawn Ezra

In the days when Dawn Ezra stood as a superpower on New Jeremiah, its influence surpassed even the mightiest governments on Earth. Its ascent to power was fueled by resource abundance, economic prowess, and the charismatic leadership of Jemuel, a figure revered by many. However, the seeds of Dawn Ezra's downfall were sown within its very foundations, rooted in personal conflicts that gradually eroded the strength of the governing bodies.

Sibling rivalry, a force that has plagued families throughout history, found its way into the heart of Dawn Ezra. Among its influential members were siblings vying for power and control. Their personal ambitions clashed, resulting in a toxic atmosphere that hindered effective decision-making and cooperation. Instead of working together for the greater good of New Jeremiah, they engaged in petty squabbles, undermining the very fabric of their governance.

Forbidden relationships also cast a shadow over Dawn Ezra's once-united front. Members of the governing bodies engaged in secret love affairs, blurring the lines between personal desires and their responsibilities to the city planet. As these relationships unraveled, the trust that held the governing bodies together faltered, leaving a void of discord and instability in its wake.

However, one of the most peculiar factors contributing to Dawn Ezra's decline was the fights over reformatted memory cards. In a world where technology reigned supreme, the memory cards held valuable information—secrets, strategies, and sensitive data crucial to maintaining their power. Yet, disputes over these tiny, seemingly insignificant devices escalated into fierce battles, with factions forming and alliances fracturing as the fight for control over the memory cards intensified. The power struggles became so consuming that they overshadowed the greater objectives of effective governance.

As personal conflicts festered within Dawn Ezra's governing bodies, trust eroded, alliances crumbled, and the once-united front fractured into fragmented factions. The emotional insecurity that plagued the city planet's leaders brought their decision-making processes to a standstill. Debates and deliberations became mere avenues for personal attacks and power plays, rendering any progress virtually impossible.

Outside forces also took advantage of the internal turmoil, exploiting the vulnerabilities that the governing bodies exhibited. Threats of being reported to Earth governments, acts of sabotage, and social media outages further destabilized Dawn Ezra's foundations. The once-mighty superpower found itself crippled by a combination of emotional insecurity, external pressures, and personal conflicts.

Ultimately, the collapse of Dawn Ezra was a testament to the fragility of a governance system built solely on the whims and desires of individuals. As the governing bodies spiraled into disarray, their power diminished to the point where it equated to nothing more than a celebrity's personal residence—a symbol of fleeting fame and influence.

The downfall of Dawn Ezra served as a stark reminder that effective governance required more than just resource abundance and charismatic leadership. It necessitated a commitment to collaboration, transparency, and the greater good of the community. The lessons learned from this prequel would serve as cautionary tales for future generations, emphasizing the vital importance of personal growth, accountability, and the necessity of a robust system that transcends individual conflicts.

Chapter IV – Governments are Irreplaceable

Indeed, political scientists on Earth seized upon the vulnerabilities of New Jeremiah's governing bodies as a cautionary tale to emphasize the importance of governments. The collapse of these entities due to personal conflicts served as a stark reminder that effective governance requires more than just the coordination of individual desires and ambitions.

In classrooms around the world, professors utilized New Jeremiah as a case study to illustrate the complexities of governing societies. They highlighted the need for structures that transcend personal interests and provide stability, accountability, and a framework for decision-making. The examples of governing bodies crumbling due to trivial disputes, such as sibling rivalries and unauthorized love triangles, drove home the point that the absence of a centralized authority can lead to chaos and dysfunction.

Moreover, the impact of social media on the governing bodies of New Jeremiah was a significant element in these discussions. The posting of inflammatory or derogatory remarks, along with the rapid dissemination of misinformation, showcased the dangers of unregulated communication channels. Political scientists underscored the importance of ethical governance, emphasizing the need for responsible behavior and thoughtful discourse in the digital age.

By examining the vulnerabilities of New Jeremiah's governing bodies, students were encouraged to reflect on the critical role that governments play in society. They learned that governments provide the necessary framework to ensure the functioning of a state, the protection of citizens' rights, and the resolution of conflicts through established channels.

While New Jeremiah's experiment in self-governance had its allure and moments of brilliance, it ultimately served as a reminder that effective governance requires institutional structures, checks and balances, and a commitment to public service. The collapse of governing bodies on the city planet underscored the irreplaceable role of governments in maintaining order, fostering progress, and addressing the needs of a complex society.

As political science students contemplated the lessons from New Jeremiah, they gained a deeper appreciation for the challenges and responsibilities that come with governance. They recognized that while the allure of self-governance may seem enticing, it is crucial to strike a balance between individual autonomy and collective decision-making, to ensure the stability and well-being of a society as a whole.

Chapter V – Jemuel's Luxury Trap

The unexpected turn of events unfolded in the luxury bedroom where Jemuel sought solace in New Jeremiah's five-star hotel. As darkness engulfed the room, Jemuel's heart raced with fear, his senses heightened by the unknown. In a matter of moments, four figures materialized before him, each proudly holding a Philippine flag. Jemuel's eyes widened with a mix of trepidation and recognition.

The individuals, residents of Sinda themselves, wasted no time in securing Jemuel to a gaming chair, preventing any chance of escape. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they confronted him with the one thing he feared the most—his own past in Sinda. The room resonated with their united voices, chanting the name of the terrestrial city that held deep significance for Jemuel.

With every mention of Sinda, Jemuel was transported back to his roots, forced to confront the memories and emotions he had buried deep within himself. The weight of his upbringing, the struggles and triumphs, the people and places that shaped him—all rushed back with an intensity he could not ignore. Jemuel's façade of power and control crumbled before the relentless reminders of his past.

Emotions surged within him, breaking through the walls he had erected to shield himself from vulnerability. Anguish, regret, and an overwhelming sense of fear intertwined within his being. The forceful confrontation with his origins stripped away the artificial layers of power, exposing the vulnerabilities he had long tried to hide.

As Jemuel listened to the chants, his silence spoke volumes. The residents of Sinda, recognizing the impact of their actions, witnessed the raw emotions etched on Jemuel's face. Their intention had been to challenge the very core of his being, to evoke a reckoning with the person he had become. And in that moment, they succeeded.

The residents of Sinda understood the power that fear held over Jemuel, how it had influenced his actions and motivations. By forcing him to confront his origins head-on, they aimed to dismantle the false bravado and manipulative tactics he had employed for so long.

As Jemuel's emotions surged, a transformation began to unfold. The experience became a catalyst for introspection and self-awareness. In that confined space, surrounded by individuals from his hometown, Jemuel was confronted with the stark reality of his own insecurities and the consequences of his actions.

When the ordeal finally came to an end, Jemuel remained bound to the gaming chair, but something had changed within him. The journey he had embarked upon was far from over, but in that moment, he had taken the first step toward personal growth and redemption.

For the residents of Sinda, this encounter represented more than just retribution or a confrontation with a feared figure. It was an opportunity to remind themselves and others that even those who wielded power were not immune to their past or the consequences of their actions.

As the room slowly brightened, casting light upon Jemuel's transformed countenance, the residents of Sinda chose to leave him with his newfound awareness. They vanished as mysteriously as they had appeared, leaving him to grapple with the echoes of their presence.

Jemuel, still tied to the chair, remained in solitude, the weight of his past and the revelations of the present converging within him. It was a pivotal moment, a turning point that would shape the trajectory of his future and the fate of New Jeremiah itself.

Chapter XI – Dawn Ezra Accepts Downfall

Untied from the gaming chair, Jemuel returned to his residence in New Jeremiah, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions that the encounter had stirred within him. As he navigated the corridors of power, he couldn't help but reflect on the downfall of Dawn Ezra, once a mighty force that had rivaled even the United States in its prime. Accepting its diminished power, Jemuel understood the need to adapt and pave a new path for the city planet.

Determined to usher in a new era, Jemuel set out to establish a fresh governing body—one that would embrace the post-superpower years of New Jeremiah. Recognizing the importance of stability and collective effort, he sought to create a system that would mitigate the emotional insecurities that had plagued their previous governance.

Amidst the emotional turmoil he still harbored, Jemuel's loyal subjects, aware of his vulnerabilities, offered him hedonistic advances in an attempt to soothe his emotions and facilitate a more peaceful acceptance of his governmental origins. They understood that emotional well-being was vital for effective leadership, and they aimed to support him through this transformative process.

Jemuel, amidst the offers and advances, found solace in the companionship and support of those around him. He realized that the journey toward acceptance and growth required not only introspection but also the willingness to lean on others for guidance and understanding.

With a renewed sense of purpose and the acknowledgment of his own emotional vulnerabilities, Jemuel set about creating a governing body that valued empathy, compassion, and collective decision-making. He sought to establish an environment where personal conflicts could be constructively addressed, where the well-being of New Jeremiah and its inhabitants took precedence over individual ambitions.

In this new phase of governance, Jemuel embraced the lessons learned from his past and the consequences of his actions. He recognized that the power he once held was a responsibility that required careful handling, rooted in a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people he governed.

As the new governing body took shape, Jemuel embarked on a personal journey of growth and self-discovery. He learned to navigate the complexities of power with humility and to harness his own emotions for the betterment of New Jeremiah. The hedonistic advances offered to him served as reminders of the importance of emotional well-being and connection in leadership.

In time, New Jeremiah found stability once again, guided by a governing body that embraced its post-superpower status. The lessons learned from Dawn Ezra's collapse and Jemuel's personal journey shaped the ethos of the new era—a commitment to unity, empathy, and effective governance.

Jemuel, now a wiser and more introspective leader, found solace in the knowledge that personal conflicts, when addressed constructively, could pave the way for a brighter future. The emotional scars of his past remained, but they served as reminders of the transformative power of self-reflection and the collective resilience of a united society.

As New Jeremiah continued to thrive, the city planet stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of its inhabitants. Through their acceptance of vulnerability, the pursuit of emotional well-being, and the cultivation of harmonious governance, they forged a path forward that transcended the limitations of personal conflicts and allowed the city planet to flourish once more.

Chapter VII – Bad Words are Their War

As the native governing bodies of New Jeremiah adjusted to the post-Dawn Ezra period, a shift occurred not only in their internal dynamics but also in the way conflicts played out within the city planet. Compared to the life-threatening wars witnessed in various parts of Earth, the disputes that arose within New Jeremiah's borders seemed almost trivial, consisting of profane squabbles and bar brawls rather than acts of outright violence.

Curiously, the most intense conflicts in New Jeremiah tended to unfold in seemingly mundane locations such as malls, hotels, and factories. These places, which served as the backdrops for heated exchanges, became the arenas where emotional insecurities and personal rivalries were played out.

Weapons of choice in these clashes were far from conventional. Rather than guns, bombs, or advanced weaponry, the combatants wielded peculiar objects that reflected the idiosyncrasies of New Jeremiah's culture. Memory card readers, the very devices that had sparked fights over valuable information in the decline of Dawn Ezra, now served as symbolic weapons in their conflicts. The ability to access and control information became a source of power in the battles for dominance.

Specially-flavored beverages took on an unexpected role in the conflicts of New Jeremiah. Unleashed with precision and artistry, these concoctions were not intended to cause physical harm, but rather to provoke emotional reactions. The manipulation of taste and aroma became a means to unsettle opponents and gain a psychological advantage.

In a particularly strange twist, coarse sand emerged as an unconventional tool in their confrontations. Used to create friction, discomfort, and annoyance, it became a symbol of irritation that inflamed the conflicts, exacerbating tensions and fueling the desire for revenge.

Even the most innocuous objects, such as pillows, were not spared from becoming instruments of strife. Pungent pillows, infused with scents designed to evoke strong emotions, were deployed to unsettle opponents and disrupt their equilibrium. These seemingly harmless objects became potent symbols of discord, heightening the intensity of confrontations.

While the conflicts in New Jeremiah may have lacked the life-threatening nature of wars seen on Earth, their unique nature and choice of weapons did not diminish the impact they had on the individuals involved. Emotionally charged battles waged in everyday settings held significant consequences for the parties involved, and the scars left behind were more often emotional than physical.

In this distinct cultural context, the conflicts within New Jeremiah became a reflection of the intricacies of human nature. The absence of life-threatening violence did not negate the real pain and emotional turmoil experienced by those engaged in these disputes. It served as a reminder that conflicts, regardless of their scale or intensity, could have profound effects on individuals and communities, shaping the fabric of their society.

As the city planet navigated this post-Dawn Ezra period, it became clear that the path to stability and unity required a delicate balance between addressing personal conflicts and fostering an environment that valued empathy, communication, and mutual understanding. Through introspection, growth, and a commitment to peaceful resolution, New Jeremiah sought to overcome the trivial battles and embrace a future rooted in harmony and collective progress.

Chapter XIII – Governments as Scare Tactics

In the wake of the emergence of the concept of government on New Jeremiah, a new wave of terrorism took hold, orchestrated by the marginalized and vulnerable sectors of the city-planet. These individuals, long disregarded and underrepresented, sought to instill fear in the elite and privileged classes, leveraging their own knowledge of the elites' fears and vulnerabilities.

Aware that the city-planet's elite dreaded being reported to governments on Earth, the marginalized and vulnerable strategically utilized this fear to their advantage. Their actions aimed to coerce the privileged sectors into recognizing and addressing the dire social conditions that plagued their communities. The message conveyed was a stark reminder of the inequities and injustices endured by those who were left behind.

The marginalized and vulnerable voices conveyed their frustrations, calling attention to the dismissive attitudes of the elite. They spoke of the lack of opportunities that hindered their progress, ridiculed by the privileged as laziness rather than a systemic issue. They brought to light the exploitation they endured, forced to clean up after the affluent sectors' waste, while receiving no reciprocal support or consideration.

The underlying demand within their message was clear: a call for improved social conditions, the provision of genuine opportunities, and the pursuit of sustainable development for all residents of New Jeremiah, without exceptions. They refused to tolerate further negligence or exploitation, demanding that the elite take responsibility for the well-being of every citizen.

Implicit within the message was a warning: should the elite continue to disregard their pleas and perpetuate the marginalization and vulnerability of the less fortunate, the marginalized and vulnerable would not hesitate to establish governments that would hold everyone accountable. Even the most powerful would be subject to the dictates of these governments, forced to confront the consequences of their actions.

The message sent shockwaves throughout New Jeremiah, disrupting the lives of the privileged classes and challenging their complacency. It served as a wake-up call, demanding that they confront the stark realities faced by their fellow citizens and take meaningful action to rectify the social imbalances.

The marginalized and vulnerable, through their acts of terror, sought not to inflict physical harm but to shake the foundations of the elite's power, forcing them to confront their worst fears and confront the systemic issues that perpetuated inequality.

As the city-planet grappled with this new form of terrorism, it sparked a dialogue that transcended the boundaries of social status. It laid bare the necessity of addressing the underlying grievances of the marginalized and vulnerable, and the imperative of fostering a society that uplifted all its members.

Ultimately, the message conveyed by the marginalized and vulnerable peoples of New Jeremiah underscored the power of collective action and the inherent need for social justice. It served as a catalyst for change, challenging the privileged to confront their privilege and work towards a more equitable future for all.

Chapter IX – New Jeremiah Goes Governmental

As the elite and privileged sectors of New Jeremiah continued to disregard the pleas and threats of the marginalized and vulnerable, a shift in tactics occurred. Frustrated by the lack of progress and the ongoing indifference of the privileged, the marginalized and vulnerable took matters into their own hands.

Recognizing the power of collective action, they began to employ tactics that would amplify their demands and force the elite to take notice. They started playing terrestrial national anthems, using music as a means to unify and mobilize the wider public behind the cause. The resonance of these familiar melodies stirred a sense of national identity and solidarity, igniting a sense of urgency for change.

Embracing the concept of government, pro-government political parties emerged from within the marginalized and vulnerable sectors. These parties quickly gained traction and became a formidable force within New Jeremiah's political landscape. With a clear vision for a more equitable society, they tirelessly worked to promote the benefits of governance to the wider population.

Understanding that the establishment of governments would require trained individuals to uphold the law and administer public affairs, the marginalized and vulnerable began to train potential law enforcers and government officials. This commitment to education and preparation showcased their dedication to a new era of governance and signaled their readiness to take on the responsibilities that came with it.

The momentum of the political revolution began to snowball. More sectors of society, previously indifferent or skeptical of the importance of governments, started embracing the idea and recognizing its potential to bring about positive change. The concept of government, once viewed with fear and trepidation, now became a symbol of hope and progress.

In an unprecedented escalation, New Jeremiah witnessed the establishment of its world's first states. Rules and regulations were standardized and stabilized, bringing a sense of order and structure to the once chaotic landscape. Development and opportunities were spread more evenly, ensuring that no citizen was left behind. The elite and privileged sectors, who had long reveled in their immoral activities, were now held accountable and compelled to compensate for the harm they had caused.

The news of this transformation reached governments on Earth and the United Nations, who recognized the significance of the moment. Congratulatory messages poured in, acknowledging the courage and determination of the people who had brought about the establishment of governments in New Jeremiah. For terrestrials, this represented not only an opportunity for increased collaboration and development but also a sense of safety and confidence that governments bring.

While the process of establishing governments in New Jeremiah may have been painful for a significant portion of its population, the long-term benefits outweighed the fears of the elite. The marginalized and vulnerable sectors had succeeded in reshaping their society, leveling the playing field, and securing a more just and equitable future.

Through their commitment and resilience, they had demonstrated that governments were not to be feared but embraced as tools for progress and social cohesion. The establishment of governments in New Jeremiah marked a turning point, ushering in an era of stability, opportunity, and a newfound sense of empowerment for all its inhabitants.

Chapter X – Jemuel is Kerwin Zelaya

As Jemuel, now known as Kerwin Serna Zelaya, returns to his previous life in Sinda, he undergoes a profound period of adjustment. The transition from a position of power and influence on New Jeremiah to being a private citizen in his home country proves to be both humbling and challenging.

With the revelation of Kerwin's true identity, the terrestrial Philippine government contacts the state where he resides. Recognizing the significance of his role as Jemuel and the implications it carries, they arrange for his return to Sinda. The sudden appearance of a figure once feared and revered by many sparks curiosity and speculation among the public.

As Kerwin settles back into his life in Sinda, he finds himself grappling with the expectations and responsibilities that come with his return. People are curious to hear his stories and experiences from New Jeremiah, eager to understand how someone without higher education could have led a superpower capable of rivaling the might of the United States.

The Philippine and American governments, in particular, are intrigued by this aspect of Kerwin's journey. They ponder how someone without a formal higher education could have achieved such an astonishing level of power and influence. Scholars and experts begin to study the rise and fall of Dawn Ezra, seeking to uncover the underlying factors that led to its brief but remarkable existence.

The revelation of Kerwin's lack of higher education adds another layer to the mystery surrounding his rise to power. It becomes a topic of debate and speculation, with some questioning the traditional notions of education as a prerequisite for effective leadership.

While Kerwin's specific journey defied conventional expectations, it highlights the complex interplay of various factors that contribute to leadership and the exercise of power. The circumstances and dynamics of New Jeremiah, including its unique environment and societal structure, may have shaped and influenced Jemuel's ascent to power in ways that transcend traditional educational qualifications.

As researchers delve deeper into the story of Dawn Ezra and its enigmatic leader, they begin to uncover the intricate web of relationships, alliances, and circumstances that propelled Jemuel, or Kerwin, to the forefront of power. It becomes evident that his charisma, strategic thinking, and ability to navigate the intricate social dynamics of New Jeremiah played a significant role in his success.

The tale of Jemuel, or rather Kerwin, serves as a reminder that leadership and the exercise of power are not solely determined by formal education but are also shaped by personal qualities, adaptability, and a deep understanding of human nature. It challenges preconceived notions about the qualifications necessary for effective governance and encourages a broader perspective on the diverse paths to leadership.

While Kerwin's tenure as Jemuel and the collapse of Dawn Ezra may remain a fascinating enigma, it leaves a lasting impact on the minds of scholars, policymakers, and the public alike, fueling discussions and reflections on the nature of power, leadership, and the intricate dynamics of governance.


Kerwin Zelaya as Jemuel

During his time as Jemuel, leading the powerful organization known as Dawn Ezra, Kerwin Zelaya found himself at the center of a remarkable journey. As the head of this influential entity, he wielded immense power and influence, shaping the destiny of New Jeremiah.

Jemuel, known for his charismatic personality and strategic acumen, understood the delicate balance of power in New Jeremiah's city-planet. He recognized that the absence of a traditional government presented both opportunities and challenges. With no centralized authority, he saw a chance to establish a different kind of governance, one built on personal connections, alliances, and manipulation.

Jemuel's leadership style was characterized by his ability to leverage personal relationships and favors to consolidate power. He embraced a hedonistic lifestyle and encouraged those around him to engage in casual relations, which allowed him to gain favors and maintain loyalty. His charm and magnetism attracted supporters from all walks of life, from influential politicians to the everyday citizens of New Jeremiah.

Under Jemuel's guidance, Dawn Ezra grew to become a force that surpassed the might of even the United States. The organization amassed considerable resources and economic power, allowing it to exert significant influence over the city-planet's affairs. Jemuel's ability to navigate the complex social dynamics of New Jeremiah played a crucial role in solidifying Dawn Ezra's dominance.

One of the keys to Dawn Ezra's success was its ability to capitalize on the unique environment of New Jeremiah. The cold temperatures and brighter days fostered an active and vibrant society, minimizing the prevalence of depression and fueling a sense of vitality. Jemuel understood the impact of this environment on the population and leveraged it to his advantage. The residents of New Jeremiah, energized by their surroundings, became physically active and engaged, further solidifying their support for Jemuel and Dawn Ezra.

However, despite its initial ascent to power, Dawn Ezra's reign as a superpower was short-lived. The inherent fragility of New Jeremiah's governing bodies, coupled with emotional insecurities and personal conflicts, proved to be the organization's downfall. Sibling rivalries, forbidden relationships, and fights over re-formatted memory cards all contributed to the unraveling of the powerful entity.

The collapse of Dawn Ezra ultimately led to a reevaluation of the city-planet's political landscape. The experience highlighted the need for more stable and resilient governing structures, prompting the emergence of new political parties and movements advocating for the establishment of governments in New Jeremiah.

While the superpower status of Dawn Ezra was relatively brief, its impact on New Jeremiah's history and collective consciousness was profound. The midquel of Kerwin Zelaya's leadership as Jemuel serves as a testament to the complexities of power, the fragility of human relationships, and the transformative potential of governance in shaping the destiny of a society.

Fragility of Dawn Ezra's governing body

Dawn Ezra's governing body in New Jeremiah was exceptionally sensitive and fragile compared to governments on Earth. While traditional governments on Earth can withstand a variety of challenges and conflicts, Dawn Ezra's governing body was prone to being paralyzed by even minor disputes and personal conflicts.

The inherent vulnerability of New Jeremiah's governing bodies stemmed from their unconventional structure and the absence of a centralized authority. Rather than having a well-established system of checks and balances or institutionalized processes, the governing bodies of New Jeremiah relied heavily on personal connections, alliances, and the whims of individuals in power.

This unique system made the governing bodies of New Jeremiah highly susceptible to emotional insecurities, personal rivalries, and power struggles. Minor disagreements and conflicts, such as sibling rivalries or forbidden relationships, could quickly escalate and bring the entire governing body to a standstill. The absence of strong institutional frameworks meant that these conflicts could paralyze decision-making processes and hinder effective governance.

In contrast, governments on Earth, while not immune to internal conflicts and challenges, are typically structured with separation of powers, legal systems, and established institutions. These elements provide a level of stability and resilience that allows governments to navigate and withstand various issues, ensuring the continuity of governance even in the face of internal conflicts.

The sensitivity of Dawn Ezra's governing body underscored the fragility of their system and highlighted the importance of stable governance structures. The collapse of Dawn Ezra and the subsequent movement towards establishing more conventional governments in New Jeremiah served as a wake-up call, demonstrating the need for stronger institutional frameworks that can better withstand internal conflicts and maintain effective governance.

Macho man cries; conflict ensues

In the early days of pre-governmental New Jeremiah, the political landscape was fraught with tension and rivalries. One of the native political entities, known as Formidable Wise, was at the center of a series of dramatic events that would shake the foundation of their society.

Formidable Wise, led by a charismatic and physically imposing chief named Gabriel, had gained a significant following due to their promises of wisdom and strength in governance. Gabriel was admired by many for his striking looks and muscular build, which added to his aura of power and authority.

However, within the realm of political maneuvering, conflicts and power struggles were bound to arise. Resilient Diver, another influential native political entity led by a high-ranking official named Alexander, posed a formidable challenge to Formidable Wise's authority.

Tensions between Formidable Wise and Resilient Diver escalated when an intense rivalry developed between Gabriel and Alexander. Both leaders were equally charismatic, commanding, and good-looking, creating a rivalry that extended beyond politics and spilled into personal competition.

The clash between the two entities reached a boiling point during a public gathering, where Gabriel and Alexander found themselves in close proximity. In a moment of intense rivalry and provocation, Alexander, seeking to assert his dominance, intentionally pushed Gabriel into a puddle of mud, causing the once-imposing chief to fall and cry out in pain.

The act of physical aggression sent shockwaves through the crowd, igniting a fierce uproar and sparking a wave of political upheaval. Supporters of Formidable Wise were outraged by the humiliation suffered by their chief, while Resilient Diver's followers celebrated what they perceived as a blow to their rival's power.

The incident quickly escalated into what became known as the "soft drinks war" between Formidable Wise and Resilient Diver. Supporters of Gabriel retaliated by boycotting products associated with Resilient Diver, particularly their flagship soft drinks. The conflict took on a symbolic meaning, representing the struggle for dominance and the clash of ideologies between the two political entities.

The streets of New Jeremiah became battlegrounds of intense political demonstrations, rallies, and even physical altercations. The city's residents found themselves caught up in the fervor of the political rivalry, taking sides based on their loyalties and personal beliefs.

As the chaos unfolded, the native governing bodies of New Jeremiah struggled to maintain order and stability. The absence of a formal government structure made it difficult to resolve the deep-seated animosity between Formidable Wise and Resilient Diver.

Amidst the turmoil, there were voices calling for a more unified and inclusive approach to governance. The events of the "soft drinks war" served as a wake-up call, highlighting the need for a more comprehensive and stable system of government that could prevent such conflicts from spiraling out of control.

Ultimately, the story of Formidable Wise and Resilient Diver serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of establishing effective governance structures to prevent political rivalries from descending into chaos and ensuring the well-being of society as a whole.

Personal issues threaten great power

In the vibrant landscape of pre-governmental New Jeremiah, one native political entity stood out as a great power in its political universe—Melon Super. Led by a charismatic and influential leader named Vanessa, Melon Super garnered immense support and held sway over the hearts and minds of its followers.

Vanessa was known for her magnetic personality, exceptional leadership skills, and a knack for captivating public speeches. She possessed a certain charm that drew people to her, making Melon Super a force to be reckoned with in the political arena.

However, the wheels of fate took an unexpected turn, plunging Melon Super into a series of unfortunate events that brought the entity to a standstill. It all began when personal haters orchestrated a campaign to deprive Vanessa of a love life. Rumors and scandalous stories were spread with the aim of tarnishing her reputation and personal happiness.

As the vicious attacks intensified, Vanessa found herself emotionally drained and unable to focus on the affairs of Melon Super. The entity that once thrived under her leadership now faced a leadership vacuum, and its once-unified supporters were left in a state of uncertainty and disarray.

To compound matters, a high-ranking official within Melon Super fell critically ill and had to be admitted to the hospital for chronic hepatitis. The absence of this key figure created a significant void in the entity's decision-making process, leaving it vulnerable and struggling to navigate through the ensuing political crisis.

The situation quickly became fodder for Melon Super's critics, who seized the opportunity to question the entity's ability to withstand ordeals and emergencies. State politicians from other factions used the predicament to highlight the importance of resilience that comes with established governments.

They argued that New Jeremiah-style political entities, despite their influence and power, often lack the structural resilience necessary to weather unforeseen circumstances. They contended that governments, with their established frameworks and institutions, are better equipped to handle crises and provide stability in times of need.

While the critics highlighted the vulnerabilities of entities like Melon Super, their arguments failed to acknowledge the complexities and unique challenges faced by these native political bodies. The absence of a formal government structure in New Jeremiah meant that entities like Melon Super relied heavily on the charisma and capabilities of their leaders, making them susceptible to personal attacks and health-related setbacks.

Nonetheless, the events surrounding Melon Super served as a wake-up call, prompting a broader discussion about the need for more comprehensive governance systems in New Jeremiah. The crisis underscored the importance of building resilient institutions that can effectively respond to emergencies and maintain stability, even in the face of personal adversities.

As the political turmoil subsided, and the high-ranking official within Melon Super gradually recovered, the entity began the process of regaining its footing. The experience served as a lesson in the importance of adapting and fortifying political entities to withstand the trials and tribulations of the ever-changing political landscape.

Melon Super, driven by the resilience of its supporters and the determination of its leadership, gradually found its strength once again. It emerged from the crisis with renewed purpose, determined to prove that it could endure and thrive despite the challenges thrown its way.

In the end, the story of Melon Super became a testament to the resilience and adaptability of political entities in New Jeremiah, prompting a reevaluation of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in their unique style of governance.

Governmentalist's view on New Jeremiah-style politics

Believers of governments and state politicians would likely view New Jeremiah's native governing bodies and politicians with a mixture of skepticism, curiosity, and even some degree of disdain. Their perspectives would be shaped by their own experiences and understanding of governance, which is typically grounded in the context of centralized governments and established political systems on Earth.

For believers of governments, the decentralized and seemingly chaotic nature of New Jeremiah's native governing bodies may be perceived as an ineffective and unstable form of governance. They may question the legitimacy and efficacy of a system that relies heavily on personal whims and lacks the institutional framework and checks and balances found in traditional governments. The belief in the importance of strong institutions and structured governance may lead them to view New Jeremiah's political entities as inadequate and prone to dysfunction.

State politicians, who are accustomed to working within established government structures, may also view the native governing bodies of New Jeremiah with skepticism. They may question the ability of these entities to effectively address complex societal challenges and provide stable governance. The emphasis on personal caprices and the vulnerability of the governing bodies to personal conflicts may reinforce their belief in the need for established governments that can provide stability, accountability, and long-term planning.

However, it's important to note that these views would be based on a comparison to the existing governmental systems on Earth. Believers of governments and state politicians may not fully understand or appreciate the unique dynamics and cultural context of New Jeremiah's political landscape. They may underestimate the resilience and adaptability of the native governing bodies and the ways in which they navigate challenges within their own framework.

Ultimately, these perspectives would vary among individuals and would depend on their own beliefs, experiences, and exposure to different forms of governance. Some may dismiss New Jeremiah's native governing bodies as immature or ineffective, while others may be intrigued by the potential of alternative political systems and the insights they offer into different models of governance.

New Jeremiah-style view on state politics

Believers in New Jeremiah's native governing bodies and their politicians would likely view governments and state politicians with skepticism and even a sense of superiority. They may see the centralized government systems of Earth as archaic, rigid, and disconnected from the needs and aspirations of the people. Their perspective would be shaped by their experience of a decentralized system that allows for more personal freedom and flexibility.

From their standpoint, the native governing bodies in New Jeremiah are seen as more responsive to the desires and concerns of the people. They prioritize individual freedoms, adaptability, and the ability to address issues on a more local level. This decentralized approach is often perceived as more democratic and participatory, as it allows for greater citizen involvement in decision-making processes.

Believers in New Jeremiah's native governing bodies may also view state politicians as part of a system that is mired in bureaucracy, corruption, and power struggles. They may see centralized governments as prone to favoritism, inefficiency, and a lack of accountability. In contrast, they may see their own politicians as being more in tune with the needs of the people and more capable of effecting positive change.

Furthermore, believers in New Jeremiah's native governing bodies may view the lack of a centralized government as a strength rather than a weakness. They may see it as a way to prevent power from being concentrated in the hands of a few, avoiding the potential for abuse and corruption that can be associated with centralized systems.

It's important to note that these perspectives would be shaped by the specific cultural context and experiences of the believers in New Jeremiah's native governing bodies. They may have developed a sense of pride and identity around their unique political system, which influences their perception of governments and state politicians from Earth.

Governments & New Jeremiah-style governing bodies

The fundamental differences between governments and New Jeremiah's native governing bodies can be summarized in several key aspects:

  1. Structure and Centralization: Governments are typically characterized by a hierarchical structure with centralized decision-making and power concentrated in a central authority, such as a president, prime minister, or ruling body. In contrast, New Jeremiah's native governing bodies operate in a decentralized manner, with power and decision-making distributed among various entities or individuals.
  2. Institutional Framework: Governments have established institutional frameworks that include legislative, executive, and judicial branches. They have formal systems and procedures in place to govern and enforce laws. New Jeremiah's native governing bodies, on the other hand, often lack such formal institutions and operate based on personal relationships, influence, and informal rules.
  3. Accountability and Transparency: Governments are expected to be accountable to the people they govern and are subject to scrutiny, elections, and checks and balances. They are also expected to operate with transparency, providing access to information and ensuring accountability for their actions. In New Jeremiah's native governing bodies, accountability and transparency can be less formalized and may rely more on personal relationships and informal mechanisms.
  4. Stability and Long-Term Planning: Governments aim to provide stability and continuity in governance, allowing for long-term planning and policy implementation. New Jeremiah's native governing bodies may be more susceptible to personal caprices, conflicts, and short-term decision-making, which can lead to instability and challenges in long-term planning.
  5. Perception of Power: Governments are often associated with formal authority and wield significant power over their territories and populations. In New Jeremiah, the native governing bodies derive their power from personal relationships, influence, and the ability to navigate social dynamics, rather than from a formalized position or institutional authority.
  6. Adaptability and Flexibility: New Jeremiah's native governing bodies can be more adaptable and flexible in responding to the needs and desires of the people. They can quickly adapt to changing circumstances and may have the ability to address issues on a more localized level. Governments, due to their centralized nature, may face challenges in quickly responding and adapting to specific local needs.
  7. Response to Emergencies: Governments are typically equipped with emergency response systems and resources to handle various types of crises, including natural disasters, public health emergencies, and security threats. They have established protocols, agencies, and infrastructure to coordinate emergency responses and provide support to affected populations. New Jeremiah's native governing bodies, on the other hand, may have limited capacity to effectively respond to large-scale emergencies or coordinate comprehensive disaster management efforts. Their response mechanisms may rely more on ad hoc measures, personal connections, and community initiatives, which can be more challenging to mobilize and sustain during times of crisis. This difference in emergency response capabilities highlights the contrasting levels of preparedness and infrastructure between governments and New Jeremiah's native governing bodies.
  8. Resistance to Challengers and Subversives: Governments are often equipped with security forces and legal systems to protect their authority and maintain order. They have mechanisms to identify and respond to challenges from internal and external sources, such as political opposition, separatist movements, or terrorist organizations. Governments have the ability to investigate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals or groups who pose a threat to their power or the stability of the state. In contrast, New Jeremiah's native governing bodies may have limited means to resist or counteract challengers and subversives. Their power and influence may be more susceptible to personal rivalries, conflicts, or subversive actions, which can undermine the stability and effectiveness of the governing bodies. This distinction highlights the varying levels of resilience and institutional strength between governments and New Jeremiah's native governing bodies when facing internal or external threats to their authority.

These fundamental differences highlight the contrasting approaches and dynamics between governments and New Jeremiah's native governing bodies. While governments aim to provide stability, institutional frameworks, and long-term planning, New Jeremiah's native governing bodies prioritize flexibility, responsiveness, and decentralized decision-making.

State politicians & New Jeremiah-style politicians

The fundamental differences between state politicians and New Jeremiah-style politicians include:

  1. Structure and Hierarchy: State politicians operate within established political systems and hierarchies, where power is distributed across different branches and levels of government. They adhere to constitutional frameworks, follow established procedures, and interact with multiple institutions. In contrast, New Jeremiah-style politicians may not have the same formal structures or hierarchies. They might operate within more fluid and informal systems, relying on personal networks and alliances to gain and maintain power.
  2. Accountability and Transparency: State politicians are generally subject to accountability mechanisms, such as elections, legislative oversight, and public scrutiny. They are expected to act in the best interests of their constituents and are answerable to the laws and regulations of the state. Transparency is a key aspect of state politics, with requirements for financial disclosures, public access to information, and accountability measures. New Jeremiah-style politicians may have fewer formal mechanisms of accountability and transparency, potentially leading to more opaque decision-making processes and limited avenues for public input or scrutiny.
  3. Legal Framework and Rule of Law: State politicians operate within a legal framework defined by constitutional and statutory laws. They are bound by legal obligations, including adherence to human rights principles, due process, and the rule of law. Their actions are subject to legal scrutiny and potential legal consequences. New Jeremiah-style politicians may not have the same legal framework governing their actions, and their decisions may be influenced more by personal preferences or informal norms rather than legal considerations.
  4. Resource Allocation and Public Services: State politicians are responsible for managing public resources and providing essential services to their constituents. They make decisions about budget allocation, infrastructure development, public welfare programs, and public policy initiatives. New Jeremiah-style politicians, depending on the context, may have more limited resources at their disposal or may focus on specific sectors or interests within their communities, potentially leading to variations in the provision of public services.
  5. Recognition and International Relations: State politicians represent recognized political entities with formal diplomatic relations and international recognition. They engage in diplomacy, negotiate treaties, and participate in international organizations on behalf of their state. New Jeremiah-style politicians, operating within a city-planet that may not have formal international recognition, may have limited opportunities for engagement in formal international relations or diplomatic activities.
  6. Logic or Emotions: State politicians are expected to make decisions based on rationality, evidence, and logical reasoning. They are often required to analyze complex issues, consider the long-term consequences of their actions, and engage in evidence-based policymaking. State politicians are expected to set aside personal emotions and biases when making decisions that impact the welfare of the state and its citizens. In contrast, New Jeremiah-style politicians may be more influenced by personal emotions and subjective factors in their decision-making processes. They may prioritize personal relationships, emotional connections, and intuitive judgments over strict adherence to logical reasoning. Emotions and personal inclinations may play a significant role in shaping their policy positions and political strategies. This distinction in the role of logic and emotions highlights the contrasting approaches to decision-making between state politicians and New Jeremiah-style politicians. While state politicians are expected to prioritize rationality and evidence, New Jeremiah-style politicians may rely more on personal sentiments and emotional considerations in their political actions.
  7. Response to Bashers or Haters: State politicians often face criticism, opposition, and scrutiny from the public, media, and political rivals. They are expected to handle criticism and negative feedback with professionalism and composure. State politicians employ various strategies to address criticism, including public statements, press conferences, debates, and legal avenues. On the other hand, New Jeremiah-style politicians may have a different approach to dealing with bashers or haters. Given the highly personal nature of their political landscape, they may respond to criticism in more emotional and confrontational ways. They might engage in direct confrontations, engage in verbal battles, or resort to personal attacks against their detractors. This emotional response to criticism can sometimes exacerbate tensions and hinder constructive dialogue. The response to bashers or haters further highlights the contrasting approaches between state politicians and New Jeremiah-style politicians. State politicians are expected to maintain a level of professionalism and address criticism in a civil and constructive manner. In contrast, New Jeremiah-style politicians may display more emotional and reactive behavior when faced with criticism or opposition.

These differences highlight the contrasting contexts, structures, and expectations that shape the roles and responsibilities of state politicians and New Jeremiah-style politicians.

Conflict resolution

States and New Jeremiah's native political entities handle conflict in their own terms, reflecting their unique characteristics and approaches:


  1. Legal Framework: States have established legal systems and frameworks to handle conflicts, including courts, laws, and regulations. Disputes are often resolved through legal processes, with the involvement of lawyers, judges, and legal institutions.
  2. Diplomatic Channels: States engage in diplomatic negotiations and discussions to resolve conflicts with other states. They may utilize diplomatic channels such as ambassadors, diplomats, and international organizations to find diplomatic solutions and negotiate agreements.
  3. Military and Security Measures: States have military and security forces to address conflicts that pose threats to national security. They may employ military strategies, intelligence gathering, and security measures to manage conflicts, deter aggression, and protect their territories.
  4. Political Dialogue: States use political dialogue and negotiations as a means to resolve conflicts within their own territories. Political leaders, parties, and representatives engage in discussions, debates, and negotiations to find common ground and reach consensus.

New Jeremiah's Native Political Entities:

  1. Personal Relationships: Conflict resolution in New Jeremiah's native political entities often revolves around personal relationships. Leaders and representatives may rely on personal connections, networking, and negotiations based on personal rapport to settle disputes and reach agreements.
  2. Emotional Dynamics: Emotions play a significant role in conflict resolution within New Jeremiah's native political entities. Emotional appeals, empathy, and understanding are employed to navigate conflicts and find resolutions that satisfy the parties involved.
  3. Informal Mediation: Conflict resolution may occur through informal mediation and dialogue. Peers, community leaders, or respected individuals may act as mediators, helping the conflicting parties find common ground and reconcile their differences.
  4. Collective Decision-making: Decision-making in New Jeremiah's native political entities often involves collective participation and consensus-building. The community as a whole may engage in discussions and deliberations to address conflicts and make decisions that benefit the majority.

These differences in conflict resolution approaches highlight the distinct ways in which states and New Jeremiah's native political entities navigate and resolve conflicts. While states rely on legal frameworks, diplomacy, and military measures, New Jeremiah's native political entities emphasize personal relationships, emotions, informal mediation, and collective decision-making.

Conduct of "warfare"

How 'wars' are conducted according to their expectations? Certainly! Here's the addition regarding how "wars" are conducted according to the expectations of states and New Jeremiah's native political entities:


  1. Conventional Warfare: States engage in conventional warfare, employing organized military forces, advanced weaponry, and strategic planning. Wars are conducted with the aim of achieving military objectives, capturing territories, and asserting dominance over the enemy.
  2. Legal and Justification Frameworks: States adhere to legal frameworks and international laws governing the conduct of war. They justify their actions based on self-defense, protection of national interests, or humanitarian grounds. Rules of engagement and Geneva Conventions guide the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians during armed conflicts.
  3. Military Alliances: States form military alliances and coalitions to strengthen their military capabilities and enhance their strategic position. Wars may involve collective defense or joint military operations conducted by multiple states, sharing resources and intelligence.
  4. Information Warfare: States engage in information warfare, utilizing propaganda, psychological operations, and cyber capabilities to shape public opinion, influence the enemy, and gain an advantage in conflicts. Communication and media strategies are employed to control the narrative and gain support for war efforts.

New Jeremiah's Native Political Entities:

  1. Symbolic Conflicts: "Wars" in New Jeremiah's native political entities are often symbolic in nature, focusing on emotional, ideological, or personal battles. These conflicts may be centered around ideas, values, or rivalries between individuals or factions within the community.
  2. Verbal Confrontations: "Wars" are primarily conducted through verbal confrontations, debates, and public exchanges. Participants employ rhetoric, persuasion, and emotional appeals to gain support and influence public opinion.
  3. Social Media Battles: New Jeremiah's native political entities engage in battles on social media platforms, where they use memes, hashtags, and online campaigns to promote their causes, discredit opponents, and rally support. Information dissemination and online presence play a crucial role in shaping public sentiment.
  4. Community Mobilization: "Wars" in New Jeremiah's native political entities involve community mobilization, where individuals come together to voice their concerns, advocate for their interests, and rally support for their preferred leaders or policies. Community events, rallies, and demonstrations are common means of expressing dissent or solidarity.

These differences in conducting "wars" reflect the contrasting nature of conflicts in states and New Jeremiah's native political entities. States engage in conventional warfare with legal frameworks, military alliances, and information warfare, whereas conflicts in New Jeremiah's native political entities are more symbolic, verbal, and focused on community mobilization and social media battles.

Fragility of New Jeremiah-style governing bodies

New Jeremiah's governing bodies are known to be highly sensitive to personal caprices. The city-planet's political landscape is characterized by intricate power dynamics and delicate alliances, where personal whims and rivalries can have a profound impact on the functioning of the governing bodies.

Due to the absence of a centralized government in New Jeremiah, the native governing bodies hold significant influence and decision-making power. However, this decentralized structure can make the political entities vulnerable to personal caprices, as individual members within these bodies often prioritize their personal interests, ambitions, and vendettas over the collective welfare.

Personal caprices can manifest in various forms within New Jeremiah's governing bodies. Sibling rivalries, ego clashes, and personal grudges between influential figures can disrupt the political process and hinder effective decision-making. Minor disagreements or personal animosities can escalate into full-blown conflicts, leading to gridlock and paralysis within the governing bodies.

Additionally, the allure of power and influence can contribute to personal caprices. Individuals within the governing bodies may succumb to their own desires for control and dominance, leading them to make arbitrary decisions or abuse their positions for personal gain. This can undermine the stability and integrity of the political entities and erode public trust in their ability to govern effectively.

Furthermore, the absence of a strong institutional framework or checks and balances in New Jeremiah's governing bodies can exacerbate the influence of personal caprices. Without robust mechanisms for accountability and transparency, personal whims can go unchecked, leading to a culture of favoritism, nepotism, and arbitrary decision-making.

Overall, the sensitivity of New Jeremiah's governing bodies to personal caprices underscores the fragility of their political systems. While this sensitivity can create opportunities for personal advancement and maneuvering, it also poses significant risks and challenges to the overall stability and effectiveness of governance.

Who is Kerwin Zelaya, a.k.a. Jemuel

Kerwin Zelaya, also known as Jemuel of Dawn Ezra, is a complex individual with a unique background. Originally from Sinda on Earth, Kerwin Zelaya was a private citizen who unexpectedly found himself thrust into the role of a leader within the powerful entity known as Dawn Ezra.

Although lacking higher education, Kerwin possessed innate qualities that allowed him to navigate the intricacies of governance and lead Dawn Ezra during its superpower years. His leadership style was marked by a blend of charisma, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people he governed.

Kerwin's rise to power and his subsequent impact on Dawn Ezra can be attributed to his natural talent for strategic decision-making, his ability to inspire loyalty among his followers, and his unwavering dedication to the well-being of the entity he led.

As Jemuel of Dawn Ezra, Kerwin Zelaya wielded great influence and authority, overseeing the organization's activities and steering it towards achieving its goals. His leadership was characterized by a commitment to justice, fairness, and the pursuit of a better future for the people he governed.

While his exact role and the specifics of his accomplishments within Dawn Ezra's superpower era may vary depending on the context of the story, it is evident that Kerwin Zelaya played a pivotal role in shaping the entity's trajectory and leaving a lasting impact on New Jeremiah's political landscape.

Ultimately, Kerwin Zelaya, a.k.a. Jemuel, represents the potential for individuals to rise to positions of power and influence, even in the absence of traditional qualifications. His journey serves as a reminder that leadership can emerge from unexpected sources and that true leadership lies in the ability to inspire, unite, and create positive change.


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