Suicide oppositors should also look at the causes of suicide

To maintain a sense of propriety, no suicide methods will be discussed. This article only discusses reasons for and against the issue of suicide.

Suicide oppositors rule
the modern world, and
insist on the sanctity of

Opposition to suicide is practiced everywhere in the modern world. It is also one of the world's most effective traditions. When you search for "suicide," you'll see mostly information written by suicide oppositors, a subset of life-sanctity advocates or pro-lifers. Even if you type pro-suicide terms such as "advocacy of suicide" or "suicide is a solution," you'll never see anything that says good things about suicide. Everytime you search about suicide, phone numbers of suicide oppositors, called depression helplines or suicide helplines, flash on the screen.

Most opposition to suicide focuses on the signs of a suicide event, ranging from propaganda saying good things about being alive to tactics forwarding the fear of death. Some countries criminalize suicide. Anti-suicide writers highlight the negative effects of a suicide event on other people. When the suicidal survives the suicide event, the writers showcase the event's grave consequences on the survivor.

Suicide means self-killing or self-slaying. People leave the human world via suicide to preserve honor, remove pains, or avoid being burdensome. Suicide is strongly associated with psychiatric disorders.

Origins of the suicide opposition movement

Opposition to suicide is not a perfect method of handling the suicidal, and not so widely practiced in much of human history. The global suicide opposition movement can be traced back to Europe. The movement maintains universal participation and support not because the suicidal dies via suicide, but because a suicide event horrifies witnesses.

Ancient Greece permitted convicted criminals to leave the human world via suicide. Meanwhile, the Roman Empire criminalized suicide because it wanted to secure its economy; however, paganism had a relaxed view of suicide. St. Augustine is the strongest suicide oppositor of all time. He had suicide strongly discouraged throughout all Christian denominations. Christianity before Augustine had a relaxed view of suicide. At one point, suicide among early Christians was so common that it posed an existential threat to Christianity itself. The prohibition of suicide in Christianity is about saving the religion.

From the Middle Ages to the 20th century, European powers used their criminal laws to discourage suicide, with penalties as severe as confiscation of property owned by the suicidal. Since Asian countries had morr relaxed views of suicide, the discouragement of suicide there came from European influence.

Advocacy of suicide today

Advocacy of suicide includes actions and views that say good things about suicide. Saying that someone should have the freedom to end their own life is an act of suicide advocacy. The persistent and ever-increasing efforts of suicide oppositors forced the suicide advocacy movement into nothingness. It is practically impossible to find any group or source that says good things about suicide.

As governemnts enforce opposition to suicide, websites that intend to cater to suicidal or pro-suicide views have to comply with the demands of suicide oppositors. They have to issue a disclaimer stating that people who have suicidal thoughts should seek psychiatric assistance. Suicide advocates identify by more cryptic terms, such as "death with dignity," to avoid harassment by suicide oppositors.

Oppositors should also look at the causes of suicide

Most anti-suicide efforts focus on the signs of incoming suicide events and outputs of the events that happened. When someone wishes to leave the human world by suicide, the oppositors convince the suicidal to stay alive. They tell the suicidal to just live with the factors that push them towards suicde ideation. The oppositors may say "life is hard but you must fight." This way, they are forcing the suicidal to deal with the causes of suicide without any real remedy so that they can say that the suicidal are still alive. When the suicide event is successful, the oppositors declare a mourning; some oppositors even wish a better future for the people who leave this world by suicide. In other words, scare tactics for the living suicidal, but well wishes for those who leave the human world via suicide. Classic double standard.

To effectively reduce suicide, the oppositors should pay attention to the causes of suicide, most commonly pain, dishonor, and valuelessness. They should remove or mitigate the factors that push people towards suicide ideation. Even if some people may be labelled as inherently predisposed to suicide, the strongest risk factors are environmental. Additionally, they must replace their pain-based views on life with new ones that genuinely ensure the joy of life. The notion of "having to prove oneself" should be removed to ensure that everyone has a value on this world. An effective solution pays attention to the causes and effects.


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