Low-level & high-level politics

Governmental politics
is the best-known form
of low-level politics

As i earlier said, politics is not exclusive to states and governments. Any community or entity that engages in multiple divergent topics can be considered a political entity. Just as computer programming has low-level and high-level languages, in politics, it is possible to have low-level politics and high-level politics. Belonging to a lower level corresponds to more privileges and a wider topic base.

Low-level politics

In everyday usage, "politics" refers to low-level politics, the act of governing entities that operate purely by themselves. Low-level politics offers maximum freedom to make decisions. Anything that ever exists can be included in low-level political discussions. A low-level politician can command everything. Low-level political entities are general-purpose and have components for handling (almost) all vital topics and issues. Since these entities are fully on their own, they must maintain their own safeguards, no matter the cost, to defend their existence. They also must maintain programs and projects that ensure the security and wellbeing of their subjects. For the sake of proper operation, only one low-level political entity can exist at a given area or space.

The state is the best-known form of low-level political entity. Low-level politics is comparable to creating software using assembly languages, machine code, or even microcode, a small piece of code that actually drives the CPU.

High-level politics

In high-level politics, you operate political entities that run on top of a low-level one, which is the state. A high-level political entity, referred to hereinafter as a leaf, would run as an ordinary private organization in governmental eyes, or as a virtual entity. Localities such as regions, provinces, counties, districts, and municipalities are not leaves because they are components of the state. High-level politics can be highly innovative but not necessarily resistant to adversaries. Leaves can have political structures disparate of each other. It is possible for such entities to abandon the government/state template altogether and instead insist of creating their own political systems from scratch. A hypervisor is an organization for coordinating or translating between different leaves. Instability or upheaval in a leaf doesn't necessarily torment its subjects, since they have a state to rely on. High-level politics can accomodate ideologies that are too frivolous, specific, or simply inappropriate to install to governments.

However, leaves might be more particular in their actions. They might also be less resistant to adversaries. High-level politics is comparable to creating software using high-level programming languages.


Between a state and nodes is a focal point: the hypervisor. Depending on its purpose, this organization coordinates between political entities of different levels. For example, a hypervisor translates between the languages of leaves and the languages governments can understand. A hypervisor also coordinates between the leaves. With a hypervisor, a leaf doesn't have to directly face a lower-level entity, referred to hereinafter as a bedrock, and can be fully itself because the hypervisor is the one explaining the leaves' movements to the bedrock.


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