My migration from programming to politics

Programming is not really
my commitment

I was initially interested in programming because my cousin was studying it and i wanted to know how programs are built. I learnt multiple programming languages, including Python and Java. Over the years, i realized that the source code must be perfect so that the outputs runs as usual. Any error in the source code, no matter how "minor," has major consequences on the output. Speaking of my academic history, i chose information technology at senior high school and college; however, i couldn't afford to finish the academic requirements. At college, i had many subjects marked incomplete. Because i couldn't afford to complete the requirements, i decided to just drop out in March 2020. Right now, i think twice whether i should engage in programming. There is an oversupply of programmers. The real issue is distribution of programmers: some software projects are very deserving but are insufficient in programmers. Oh well, i will just appreciate the works of programmers. I would like to contribute to the Void Linux project because it is very deserving of programmers, but i have little basis to engage in coding because i don't own any notebook computers.

Politics is as creative as
designing a house

Meanwhile, my interests in politics started in about 2014, when i saw a Wikipedia article about micronations. A micronation is an entity that resembles a sovereign state. Micronations are mostly role-play or simulation projects. The first micronation i joined was the State of Ariana, whose founder is a Filipino historian. Its political structure was slightly different, in the way that its leader was titled Chairperson-Extraordinary, its deputy Chaiperson-Ordinary. Sadly, Ariana was dissolved and the original members have no intention to return to micronationalism. Its successor, the Rajahnate of Namayan, suffered the same fate. A remnant of Namayan, the Principality of Kurbam–Namayan, temporarily existed. It was dissolved, and its only leader refused to issue a statement because "nobody cares anyway." I finally settled in the Royal Kingdom of Curimae, which is headquartered in Panay.

Micronationalism proves that politics can be a more creative topic. To prove that creativity, i invented a kind of governing body: the minchel. It is not a variant of government, but an entirely new political system. The minchel has gentler and more elastic authority than a government. I am inventing another political system from scratch. Micronationalism is also a dangerous topic, as there are micronationalists who have ill intentions. Some micronations are ruled by people under 20 years of age. Such micronations need extra protection.

Since the dawn of the state,
the political multiverse has
remained mostly unchanged

I gradually shifted from programming to politics because i see more creative potential in the latter. Politics outside of states and governments is an underexplored area. Since the dawn of governments in 6000~5000 BC, nonstandard politics stagnated in development; in some contexts, it even reverted into infancy. In our times, many people harbor exotic political views. Some of those views should not be realized in government due to their extreme nature. Novel political systems should be established to cater to exotic political ideologies. However, politics in general is painful. Albert Einstein said that politics is more difficult than physics. In politics, you have to engage in various (potentially) divergent interests. Provocative statements are common. I won't seek governmental positions; i prefer creating my own political system from scratch.

Speaking of programming, given enough basis, i may restore interest in that topic anytime. Including the factor of which software project is more deserving, i'll have more basis to contribute to Void Linux development than to contribute to computer games. Void Linux is an independently-maintained and lightweight Linux operating system. While many operating systems focus on innovation, Void Linux focuses on stability. Void Linux can run on two main computer architectures: x86 and ARM. x86 is implemented on desktop and notebook computers. ARM is implemented on mobile devices, chips, and boards that function as complete computer systems. Void Linux is a general-purpose operating system, and halfway between user-friendly and developer-friendly. As Void Linux prefers stability, there should be a set of software projects that intend to be stable and future-proof to give a more complete operating system.


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