Statement on my third year as a college dropout

Dropping out is a blessing
in disguise

Happy Month of March to all! The third month of the year has a reputation as the graduation month. Meanwhile, it is also when i quit my college education permanently, in 2020. I am now in my third year as a college dropout, and i am content and happy to have canceled my college education. I dropped out because i considered academic requirements to be a nuisance and i have little faith in education.

As We observe in our day-to-day lives, the reality We face demands practical offerings and solutions instead of academic and intellectual pipe dreams. Starting from this month onwards, i have to (slowly but permanently) switch from the intellectual to the practical just to adjust to this reality. I have to throw away some of what i acquired from the academic and intellectual sectors to acquire concrete methods of coping with the life that We currently handle. 

If i continue engaging more on academic and intellectual, i would definitely remain a parasite single for the rest of my life. Last but not the least, education does not always return good results.


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