
Showing posts from November, 2023

So what if the world rightsizes its population?

Depopulation gives our planet more chance to replenish its natural resources In the 20th century, overpopulation was humanity's prime concern. Clouds of ideas said that Earth's population will grow beyond sustainability. There was no data to counter the overpopulation idea. People who intended to reduce the population started distributing contraceptives. They also promoted a childfree lifestyle as environmentally friendly. On top of it all, these people endorsed intentional abortion. Their methods are so successful that depopulation is the 21st century's prime concern. Fertility rates decline worldwide. A growing number of countries and localities have a shrinking population. Depopulation is beautiful because We have severe resource inequality issues. Billions of people have no access to decent resources. Compared to their profits, the elite do nothing to resolve poverty. It takes a small amount

Introducing the minchelar character

The same minchelar subject can have multiple minchelar personalities A minchelar character is essentially a person's identity and personality in the minchelar realm. The minchelar identity is a definition of a person's identity as curated by a minchel or any component of it. A minchelar personality adds color to the minchelar character; it can be similar to or different from the physical person's governmental personality. For example, it is acceptable for the physical person to appear introverted in the governmental universe but act as an extravert in the minchelar universe. For a little background , a minchel is a kind of governing body that has gentle governing authority. The governmental identity is issued by the state and has a very strong correspondence with the physical subject; in other words, the governmental character directly identifies the physical entity. Meanwhile, the minchelar character is notionally more like a social media account: it enables the physical