
Showing posts from December, 2022

Introducing the (political) hypervisor

The hypervisor is the focal point in high- level politics The hypervisor is a political organization intended to provide a "safe space" or a bubble for high-level polities and to serve as a gateway between a lower-level polity (a bedrock) and a higher-level one (a leaf). In our case, the only bedrock is the state. A cluster is a group of polities, the leaves, sharing basic design language and principles. The node is the primary leaf in a cluster. The star facilitates cooperation between the nodes. Applicants can join a cluster by joining a node. Speaking of the terms "node" and "star," let's import perspective from the governmental universe: when the state is the node, the intergovernmental organization is the star. With hypervisors, the leaves are free to be themselves because the hypervisor is the one explaining their actions to the bedrock when needed. Leaves need not seek hypervisor recognition to run inside the hypervisor, although recognition

Low-level & high-level politics

Governmental politics is the best-known form of low-level politics As i earlier said, politics is not exclusive to states and governments. Any community or entity that engages in multiple divergent topics can be considered a political entity. Just as computer programming has low-level and high-level languages, in politics, it is possible to have low-level politics and high-level politics. Belonging to a lower level corresponds to more privileges and a wider topic base. Low-level politics In everyday usage, "politics" refers to low-level politics, the act of governing entities that operate purely by themselves. Low-level politics offers maximum freedom to make decisions. Anything that ever exists can be included in low-level political discussions. A low-level politician can command everything. Low-level political entities are general-purpose and have components for handling (almost) all vital topics and issues. Since these entities are fully on their own, they must maintain th