Looking into the origins of human suicide makes a more effective suicide opposition

Suicide is one of humanity's
unsolved problems. Even
philosophers have a hard time
discussing this issue.

The operation of suicide is a disturbing issue, at least for cultures that forward black propaganda on the agenda of "death." French-Algerian philosopher Albert Camus described suicide to be humanity's truly serious issue.

"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide."

When we search for "suicide," We see mostly the works of suicide oppositors. Notice phrases such as "suicide prevention." Unfortunately, Thomas Szasz was correct that what We call "suicide prevention" is really suicide suppression. The efforts mostly involve scare tactics such as "once you die, you cannot come back" or telling suicide applicants that "they will go to hell." Scare tactics are self-defeating because they add pain, which makes life less enjoyable. People consider the suicide operation in times of ordeal, and the "being a fighter" doctrine can only do so much to satisfy the very systems that ironically push people towards the suicide operation. Spreading of messages that consider suicide as a sign of weakness does not eliminate the outstanding operation; it only hides suicide considerations, giving the impression that no suicide occurs.

As the efforts of suicide oppositors become so effective across all sectors, attempting to search the works of suicide advocates gets you deemed as mentally ill. As suicide oppositors dominate government processes, displaying yourself as a suicide advocate gets you sued under complaints of homicide and murder; assisting suicide operations gets you criminally charged with murder.


Suicide is an operation in which a particular subject voluntarily ends their own material life. The word suicide means "self-killing" and comes from the Latin word suicidium. The human species (Homo sapiens) is the only lifeform on Earth confirmed to be capable of grasping the concept of suicide and consciously ending their own material life. The application of suicide is not a straightforward process, and it requires a delicate interplay and harmony of environmental or social factors. Those factors can be life difficulties, philosophical principles, or failures of human institutions and systems to respect survival values. However, most suicide reports highlight life difficulties and institutional/systemic failures to value survival. It is close to impossible to confirm suicide events that are directly related to philosophical principles.

Emergence of suicide

This is the most neglected area of research and investigation. It is close to impossible to find articles that ever explain how the operation of suicide emerged and became part of the human species. It is also obvious that suicide oppositors never attempted to look into the history of the suicide operation. In a 2010 Scientific American article, you can notice a theory highlighting senses of worthlessness and poor reproductive aspects.

"People are most likely to commit suicide when their direct reproductive prospects are discouraging and, simultaneously, their continued existence is perceived, whether correctly or incorrectly, as reducing inclusive fitness by interfering with their genetic kin’s reproduction."

There is also a 2021 research paper, titled Choosing Death Over Survival, mentioning several theories about how circumstances push people towards the suicide operation. The theories imply that the suicide operation is about the removal of fitness threats. There is another theory saying that the emergence of suicide is a side-effect of a highly developed brain. It is worth wondering that there is no definitive evidence of suicide events directly covering nonhuman animals. I hope that researchers will go deeper into how the human species became capable of considering applying material death to themselves.

When suicide oppositors look into the causes and origins of human suicide, they would have a chance to improve their tactics; alternatively, they could devise new tactics that target the contributors as well as remove the signs of suicide. Suicide oppositors don't have to resort to scare tactics when they have more reliable methods. No issues can be effectively resolved until We look into their origins and changes over time, and human suicide is no exception. An open mind can easily handle some of the most terrifying mysteries We will ever encounter. Well said, no mystery remains a mystery forever.


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