Importance of the comfort zone

Everyone benefits from
the comfort zone,
including so-called

Mainstream propaganda purports that staying in the comfort zone means no growth. Similarly, that propaganda also forwards the myth of no pain no gain. However, when we take into account human personal development, it is obvious that the comfort zone plays a critical role. The comfort zone is a secure space where the person develops with sense of confidence and safety, and keeps their most vulnerable parts. Everyone requires a comfort zone to maintain resilience; even so-called "stoics" require it. Forcing people to leave their comfort zones under the pretext of "personal growth" only gives undesired results. A new comfort zone must be established before the subject can leave its old zone. Tampering the subject's sole comfort zone contributes to social discord as well as the development of undesirable ideologies.

Observe the Prince Rupert's drop. Its head is so resilient that it can withstand tons of pressure, but its tail is so fragile that pressing two fingers around it disintegrates the glass into tiny shreds. All people are tantamount to Prince Rupert's drops. The tail symbolizes the weak spots. Aiming destructive forces at the weak spots gives the person pains that not even time can heal. A person tormented in this method is notionally similar to a disintegrated Prince Rupert's drop. The aftereffects can be suppressed but cannot be removed; and these issues worsen over time.

The comfort zone is like intensely fortified and vigorously sophisticated layers around the Prince Rupert's drop tail. The layers are like the human skull, but with sharply more delicately designed stabilizers to protect the tail. Removing people from their comfort zones is like removing protection from a drop tail. It literally exposes people to life-threatening elements. Tampering the comfort zone is similar to tampering the protection around the drop tail. When the comfort zone is tampered enough, long-lasting undesirable implications emerge.

The comfort zone should be respected. Looking deeper, the world's strongest and healthiest people have the best-developed comfort zones. It is obvious that having a secure space guarantees better personal development. Valuing the comfort zone is about ensuring safety and propriety in our growth and progress paradigms, as well as genuine strength. With regards to governance and politics, governing bodies play an indisposable role in establishing and maintaining comfort zones to ensure their subjects genuine growth and resilience.


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