Common structure of a Gakab organization

A Gakab organization
has a branch just for
generating revenue
There are 3 common branches in a Gakab organization: legislative, executive and commercial. The legislative branch, aside from making regular policies of the organization, also has judicial functions. The executive branch implements the policies of the organization. The commercial branch is made of regular businesses that remit a portion of their income to the organization. The Gakab organizational structure is for large organizations.

Legislative branch

The legislature creates policies for the organization. It also passes the organization’s financial plans or budgets. A primary chief legislative officer and a secondary chief legislative officer administrator the legislature; however, the primary chief legislative officer is generally more active. When at least 50% of the legislators agree on a proposed policy, the policy is considered passed, pending approval from the executive branch. In case the executive branch vetoes the passed policy, the legislature can make the vetoed policy effective by an at least 50% yes vote from the legislators. The legislative branch also acts as the judicial branch. The central legislature also acts as the supreme court, while the legislator’s office acts as a local court. Thus, a Gakab legislator is also a Gakab judge.

Executive branch

The executive branch implements the policies of the organization. A primary chief executive officer and a secondary chief executive officer administer the executive branch; a primary chief executive officer is generally more active. The primary chief executive officer leads the entire organization. The Office of the External Environment (OEE) allows the organization to connect to the outside world. Membership applications are filed here. The Office of the Internal Environment (OIE) manages the internal affairs of the organization.

Commercial branch

The commercial branch consists of regular businesses that remit a portion of their income to the organization. The Office of the Commercial Branch (OCB), where a primary chief commercial officer and a secondary chief commercial officer work, administers this branch. The OCB drafts the legislature organizational budgets. It establishes, guidances, changes or dissolves regular businesses. It also observes the affairs of employees of the businesses. Any business can join the Gakab organization’s commercial branch.


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